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Narayana Verlag

excellent    2.469.394 customers from 191 countries
  • more than 10.000 products about homeopathy and natural healing
  • Seminars with worldwide known homeopathic doctors
  • Healthy and natural food
  • Homeopathy for plants

Interview with Farokh Master, February 2009 in Kandern

Farokh Master was interviewed at Narayana Publishers in Kandern, Germany in February 2009. He was able to share with us his experience of practising homeopathy in India over the years. His clinical experience is vast. He has reduced the number of patients he sees significantly from 200 to a mere 50 per day. Listen to this 20 minute clip to hear more.

Click to Play Interview with Farokh Master 

English version

Farokh Master has a wealth of experience in homeopathy. He has written many books including Clinical Observations of Children's Remedies and Lacs in Homeopathy and has lectured all over the world.

In this interview, he tells us how he came to practising homeopathy. He also tells us about the support he has received from Georgos Vithoulkas over the years in refining his classical approach. He also describes his useage of the 5 cup method which he believes works faster, deeper and with little aggravation. Listen to the interview to find out more about Farokh's predictions for the future of homeopathy.


Glimpses of the Childrens Congress with Farokh Master in March 2009

Next Seminar with Farokh J. Master:
Third Children´s Homeopathy Congress, 18.-20. March 2011



Interview with Farokh Master, February 2009 in Kandern

Farokh Master was interviewed at Narayana Publishers in Kandern, Germany in February 2009. He was able to share with us his experience of practising homeopathy in India over the years. His clinical experience is vast. He has reduced the number of patients he sees significantly from 200 to a mere 50 per day. Listen to this 20 minute clip to hear more.

Click to Play Interview with Farokh Master 

English version

Farokh Master has a wealth of experience in homeopathy. He has written many books including Clinical Observations of Children's Remedies and Lacs in Homeopathy and has lectured all over the world.

In this interview, he tells us how he came to practising homeopathy. He also tells us about the support he has received from Georgos Vithoulkas over the years in refining his classical approach. He also describes his useage of the 5 cup method which he believes works faster, deeper and with little aggravation. Listen to the interview to find out more about Farokh's predictions for the future of homeopathy.


Glimpses of the Childrens Congress with Farokh Master in March 2009

Next Seminar with Farokh J. Master:
Third Children´s Homeopathy Congress, 18.-20. March 2011



Spectrum of Homeopathy


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