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2011 December

Jan's column: in memoriam Patricia Le Roux

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by Jan Scholten

I was very moved by the passing away of Patricia Leroux. It reminded me of the vulnerability of life and how precious it is.

My first contact with Patricia was through her book on acids. She had send it to me and I was impressed with her work. She had grasped the basic ideas very well and applied them in a very extensive way. It showed her open mind and intelligent way of using information. 

I first met Patricia in person at a congress in Heidelberg, in 2007. It was a very pleasant meeting. We had a long talk about all kinds of aspects of homeopathy and it was very lively. I learned to appreciate her as a homeopath, but even more as a human being.

Later, she send me her books "Butterflies" and "Actinides". These were very impressive, showing a deep insight in the remedies and a clever way of applying them. They thaught me a lot about these topics.

In March this year, Patricia participated in the proving seminar in Lamu, on the coast of Kenya. She was there with her twin children. There, I really got to know her. It was a very pleasant week with a lot of sharing and exchange. Patricia was a very warm person with much sympathy for people and nature. She has a special place in my heart.

It is a pity she is not on this earth anymore.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Lycaena phlaeas; Zeynel Cebeci



Categories: Columns
Keywords: Patricia Le Roux

This article was originally published in www.interhomeopathy.org

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