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2011 September

Lanthanides and allergies

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by Marguerite Pelt

In November 2005 Jan Scholten’s book “the Secret Lanthanides” was published, in which he brought to light the importance of this new series of homeopathic remedies made from modern, “secretive” metals. They are especially useful for the treatment of auto-immune diseases. During an international seminar in May 2006 Jan demonstrated the use of the Lanthanides in constitutional eczema by presenting the cases of two children who had been treated effectively with Neodymium carbonicum.

Constitutional eczema

In Holland about 400,000 people suffer from constitutional eczema, which is about 2,5% of the population. This makes it the fourth on the list of the top ten chronic ailments. In children, it is, after asthma, even the most important chronic complaint. People with constitutional eczema often have an (over-)sensitive skin which reacts faster than that of healthy skin to stimuli from the environment. Such stimuli can be:

- food allergies (cow’s milk, eggs, nuts, fish) or inhalation allergies (pollen, house mites, animal hair) etc.
- psychosocial factors such as emotions, nervousness, stress
- bacterial and viral infections
- irritating factors such as cosmetics, soap, wool etc.
- external factors such as heat, cold, water, etc.

Neodymium carbonicum

Carbon is an important element in homeopathy for the treatment of skin disorders. It is in some of the traditionally known skin remedies, such as Graphites, Petroleum, and Calcium carbonicum. Graphite salve is a common remedy for cracks and swimmer’s eczema. Tar salves are regularly prescribed for eczema.

Neodymium is a metal in the Lanthanide series. The Lanthanides are used for independent, precocious children, who do not like to follow the rules. They can have large eyes and like to “look”. Other indications that can support a Lanthanide prescription are dyslexia, a strong desire for meat, and complaints after vaccinations.

After the seminar, I prescribed Neodymium carbonicum a few times for children with constitutional eczema, but without success. Then, I understood that children who need Neodymium carbonicum have a father (father figure is translated as Carbon) who is unreachable or even completely absent. In this way, a small boy whose father was often absent due to his work could be helped; even when the father was actually at home, he was still involved in his work, and the boy sighed “I wish that Daddy was here more often.” I have also given the remedy with success to someone whose biological father is unknown.

Jan Scholten relates Neodymium carbonicum to the “impervious father” – unavailable, unreachable. Stage 6 of the periodic table symbolises courage and the need to prove oneself. It also has a secretive aspect: “hide, secretive, and cover” are words that describe this aspect. In reaction to the lack of fatherly attention, the patients behave in a tough way: “bravery, daredevil”. They prove to the world that they are independent and that they do not need a father to help them feel worthy (carbon). It is as though their skin is a sort of armour, behind which they hide their vulnerability. The skin becomes thicker, redder, itchy, and oversensitive.

Oversensitive bowels

Another complaint that the Lanthanides can help to resolve is that of oversensitive bowels. Spastic colon and irritable bowel syndrome are other names for the painful belly and changeable stool pattern (both diarrhea and constipation) that can be part of this complaint. As in constitutional eczema, food allergies, psychosocial factors, and bacterial or viral infections can play a role in people whose intestines are easily irritated.

I have been able to help a young boy who had belly aches and food intolerances, with Europium phosphoricum. Europium is a Lanthanide which is useful for children who are extremely bright. This young boy loved fish, and he was rather anxious and easily distracted. Repertorisation indicated Phosphorus as the remedy of choice: aversion milk, desire fish, bluish discoloration around the eyes, fear of examinations, difficult concentration when studying. This Europium phosphoricum child was very alert during the consultation, and potentially the cleverest of his class (“wise guy”). He wanted to do a lot, but when it came around to it he did not dare to try. One could translate his problem as follows: too smart (stage 9) to learn by rote at school (Phosphorus), afraid of losing face (stage 9) in his class (Phosphorus), misunderstood (stage 9) by the people at school (Phosphorus). This boy had big eyes, was independent, and had the radiance of a New Age child, all of which are indications for Lanthanides, and reasons for choosing Europium, the stage 9 Lanthanide.

Lanthanides are new in homeopathy. It is to be expected that in future they will be found effective not only in auto-immune illnesses but also in cases of allergies and over-sensitivities, where a sort of over-irritability of the immune system plays a role. In the following schema we can see the transition between allergies and auto-immune illnesses.

Gell and Coombs differentiate oversensitivity reactions into four groups, based on the type of antibodies prevalent: IgE, IgG, IgM, cytokines…

Type 1. Mest cells bind the antibody IgE, thereby releasing mest cell mediators such as histamine, which induce an allergic inflammation. Reaction takes place after about 20 minutes. Test via blood test for IgE (RAST test), skin test, elimination diet. Examples: Anaphylaxis (fainting and shock); Atopia (asthma and eczema); food allergies; medication over-sensitivities, hay fever.

Type 2. An antibody (IgG or IgM) is directed against antigen cells. This can induce cytotoxic or cell-killing reactions by stimulating killer cells, as is the case after blood transfusions with an incompatible blood group. Reaction takes place after several hours. Examples: Auto-immune haemolytic anemia (destruction of red blood cells); Myasthenia gravis (muscular weakness due to a disturbed relay of stimuli from the nerves to the muscles); pemphigus (blistering of the skin); over-sensitivity to medication.

Type 3. Immune complexes (of antigens together with IgG or IgM) which are deposited in tissue. This attracts leukocytes, and local tissue damage and inflammation result. Takes place after 6 – 8 hours. Examples: Polyarteritis nodosa (inflammation of arteries); post-streptococc glomerulonephritis (inflammation of filter system of kidneys); systematic lupus erythematodes (an auto-immune illness).

Type 4. Antigen-sensitised T-cells produce cytokines, resulting in local inflammation reactions, for instance after organ transplants. Takes place after 48 – 72 hours.  Examples: Nickel allergy; sarcoidosis; Crohn’s disease.

This article has been published in a shortened version in the Dutch journal “Homeopathie”, 2- 2008

Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Photograph of typical, mild dermatitis; Topbanana


Keywords: Lanthanides, auto-immune diseases, allergies
Remedies: Europium phosphoricum, Neodyminum carbonicum

This article was originally published in www.interhomeopathy.org

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