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Narayana Verlag

excellent    2.468.166 customers from 191 countries
  • more than 10.000 products about homeopathy and natural healing
  • Seminars with worldwide known homeopathic doctors
  • Healthy and natural food
  • Homeopathy for plants

Mental Health Congress 2012

A look back at the seminar held on March 23-25 in Bad Krozingen

NEW: Second Congress Homeopathy in Mental Health 2013
March 8-10, 2013 in Bad Krozingen, Germany
with Jan Scholten, Rajan Sankaran, Louis Klein, Jonathan Hardy, Farokh Master and Mahesh Gandhi

Narayana’s homeopathic congresses have developed their own special dynamic and have become an important rendezvous for the homeopathic movement. About 400 participants came from countries such as the US, Canada, Israel, Australia, Japan, Egypt, Great Britain, Ireland, Spain, Belgium, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, France, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria and Germany.
Speakers were Mahesh Ghandi,
Jonathan Hardy, Divya Chhabra,
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman,
Massimo Mangialavori and Heiner Frei.
Topics included the treatment ADD/ADHD, depresssion, schizophrenia, panic, autism, Asperger Syndrome, anxiety, insecurity. Numerous cases were presented: sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes hilarious, always captivating. The atmosphere was totally unique, infused with candor and a ground-breaking mood - even many of the Speakers remarked that they had never before experienced such intensity.

Welcome to the congress hall in Bad Krozingen in beautiful spring time
The flowers beckon, the Narayana staff welcomes friends old and new.
Mahesh  Gandhi
Welcome to the first speaker, Mahesh Gandhi, the well-known homeopathic psychiatrist.
Mahesh  Gandhi Zuhörer
Mahesh  Gandhi
Mahesh Gandhi shared his vast knowledge of schizophrenia. Thank you so much!

Heidi Brand, Frans Kusse and Deborah Collins

The breaks are an opportunity to talk to the speakers, browse books and catch up with friends.
Treating mental disorders such as depression, addiction and autism with
remedies from the Carbon Series was Jonathan Hardy's topic at this Congress.
He presented beautiful cases and essences... ...just brilliant!
Petter Viksveen presented a summary of his research project on homeopathy in depression
Divya Chhabra
Divya Chhabra presented impressive case studies of patients with depression, panic attacks and ADHD.
Divya's revolutionary method of "leaping to the simillimum" fascinated the audience.
  Thank you so much for a captivating presentation!
Participants browse through homeopathic titles during the breaks. Narayana Publishers carries over 3500 titles. Over 200 of our own have been published in German, English, French and Spanish, with Portugese, Russian, Slovakian and Czechian to come.
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman, the well-known American homeopath, specialises in treating mental disorders in children. She presented several patients with Asperger Syndrome undergoing long-term treatment.
The open house on Saturday evening included a varied menu: Indian delicacies, book signings, browsing and a look at Narayana's building expansion.
Massimo Mangialavori
The well-known Italian homeopath Massimo Mangialavori analysed a wide variety of ways in which insecurity can express itself and ascribed homeopathic remedies to them in his usual brilliant and descriptive way.
Left: Petra Brockmann and
Uta Schildwächter working in the Translator's booth. Below: Exhibitors at the Congress.
The well-known Swiss paediatric doctor and homeopath Heiner Frei talked about the Bönninghausen method and the astonishing results it can achieve in cases of ADD/ADHD.
This was a beautiful ending to the congress - a highly efficient "Swiss" method - thank you!
Athough we are sad to say 'goodbye', we look forward to saying 'hello' again at the follow-up congress on mental disorders next March 2013 in Bad Krozingen.

"I was impressed with your organisation, both in the way the congress was coordinated, but also with the very vibrant way your publishing company is run.   I shall remember my visit there with great admiration.   In the meantime, I look forward to watching Narayana's development.   I am sure Hahnemann would be very proud of all your efforts!" Elizabeth Adalian.



Mental Health Congress 2012

A look back at the seminar held on March 23-25 in Bad Krozingen

NEW: Second Congress Homeopathy in Mental Health 2013
March 8-10, 2013 in Bad Krozingen, Germany
with Jan Scholten, Rajan Sankaran, Louis Klein, Jonathan Hardy, Farokh Master and Mahesh Gandhi

Narayana’s homeopathic congresses have developed their own special dynamic and have become an important rendezvous for the homeopathic movement. About 400 participants came from countries such as the US, Canada, Israel, Australia, Japan, Egypt, Great Britain, Ireland, Spain, Belgium, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, France, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria and Germany.
Speakers were Mahesh Ghandi,
Jonathan Hardy, Divya Chhabra,
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman,
Massimo Mangialavori and Heiner Frei.
Topics included the treatment ADD/ADHD, depresssion, schizophrenia, panic, autism, Asperger Syndrome, anxiety, insecurity. Numerous cases were presented: sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes hilarious, always captivating. The atmosphere was totally unique, infused with candor and a ground-breaking mood - even many of the Speakers remarked that they had never before experienced such intensity.

Welcome to the congress hall in Bad Krozingen in beautiful spring time
The flowers beckon, the Narayana staff welcomes friends old and new.
Mahesh  Gandhi
Welcome to the first speaker, Mahesh Gandhi, the well-known homeopathic psychiatrist.
Mahesh  Gandhi Zuhörer
Mahesh  Gandhi
Mahesh Gandhi shared his vast knowledge of schizophrenia. Thank you so much!

Heidi Brand, Frans Kusse and Deborah Collins

The breaks are an opportunity to talk to the speakers, browse books and catch up with friends.
Treating mental disorders such as depression, addiction and autism with
remedies from the Carbon Series was Jonathan Hardy's topic at this Congress.
He presented beautiful cases and essences... ...just brilliant!
Petter Viksveen presented a summary of his research project on homeopathy in depression
Divya Chhabra
Divya Chhabra presented impressive case studies of patients with depression, panic attacks and ADHD.
Divya's revolutionary method of "leaping to the simillimum" fascinated the audience.
  Thank you so much for a captivating presentation!
Participants browse through homeopathic titles during the breaks. Narayana Publishers carries over 3500 titles. Over 200 of our own have been published in German, English, French and Spanish, with Portugese, Russian, Slovakian and Czechian to come.
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman, the well-known American homeopath, specialises in treating mental disorders in children. She presented several patients with Asperger Syndrome undergoing long-term treatment.
The open house on Saturday evening included a varied menu: Indian delicacies, book signings, browsing and a look at Narayana's building expansion.
Massimo Mangialavori
The well-known Italian homeopath Massimo Mangialavori analysed a wide variety of ways in which insecurity can express itself and ascribed homeopathic remedies to them in his usual brilliant and descriptive way.
Left: Petra Brockmann and
Uta Schildwächter working in the Translator's booth. Below: Exhibitors at the Congress.
The well-known Swiss paediatric doctor and homeopath Heiner Frei talked about the Bönninghausen method and the astonishing results it can achieve in cases of ADD/ADHD.
This was a beautiful ending to the congress - a highly efficient "Swiss" method - thank you!
Athough we are sad to say 'goodbye', we look forward to saying 'hello' again at the follow-up congress on mental disorders next March 2013 in Bad Krozingen.

"I was impressed with your organisation, both in the way the congress was coordinated, but also with the very vibrant way your publishing company is run.   I shall remember my visit there with great admiration.   In the meantime, I look forward to watching Narayana's development.   I am sure Hahnemann would be very proud of all your efforts!" Elizabeth Adalian.



Spectrum of Homeopathy


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