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Narayana Verlag

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  • more than 10.000 products about homeopathy and natural healing
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  • Homeopathy for plants

Mental Health Congress from March 8-10, 2013

Over 500 homeopaths from 32 different countries attended this exceptional event. It was a meeting point for the international homeopathic community held in a remarkably open and enthusiastic spirit of cooperation and exchange.

Leading homeopaths from around the world such as Jan Scholten, Rajan Sankaran, Louis Klein, Jonathan Hardy, Farokh Master, Mahesh Gandhi and Michal Yakir presented their individual approaches to the treatment of mental illness. Jan Scholten described for the first time his discoveries on the overarching structure of the plant kingdom, using relevant case histories. The brilliant thinker Rajan Sankaran illustrated the use of the sensation method in the treatment of mental illness. The experienced psychiatrist Mahesh Gandhi spoke about the homeopathic treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorders. Jonathan Hardy discussed the mammal remedies in the treatment of addiction and eating disorders. Louis Klein showed some impressive cases of panic attacks, anxiety, and sleep disorders, outlining many unusual remedies, including nosodes. The great clinician Farokh Master vividly presented his experience in the homeopathic treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The homeopath and botanist Michal Yakir introduced the botanical system that can be used as the foundation of homeopathic prescriptions.

Congress video

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DVDs Complete Set - Mental Health Congress 2013
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Overview of programm:

Friday, March 8:

Jan Scholten (D) - The Plant Kingdom Rajan Sankaran (IND) - The Sensation Method Michal Yakir (ISR) - The Botanical System in Homeopathy

Saturday, March 9:

Farokh Master (IND) - Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorders Louis Klein (CAN) - Panic Attacks, Anxiety and Sleep Disorders

On Saturday evening, visit of our publishing company in Kandern.

Sunday, March 10:

Mahesh Gandhi (IND) - Compulsive Disorders Jonathan Hardy (GB) - Addiction and Eating Disorders

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Mental Health Congress from March 8-10, 2013

Over 500 homeopaths from 32 different countries attended this exceptional event. It was a meeting point for the international homeopathic community held in a remarkably open and enthusiastic spirit of cooperation and exchange.

Leading homeopaths from around the world such as Jan Scholten, Rajan Sankaran, Louis Klein, Jonathan Hardy, Farokh Master, Mahesh Gandhi and Michal Yakir presented their individual approaches to the treatment of mental illness. Jan Scholten described for the first time his discoveries on the overarching structure of the plant kingdom, using relevant case histories. The brilliant thinker Rajan Sankaran illustrated the use of the sensation method in the treatment of mental illness. The experienced psychiatrist Mahesh Gandhi spoke about the homeopathic treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorders. Jonathan Hardy discussed the mammal remedies in the treatment of addiction and eating disorders. Louis Klein showed some impressive cases of panic attacks, anxiety, and sleep disorders, outlining many unusual remedies, including nosodes. The great clinician Farokh Master vividly presented his experience in the homeopathic treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The homeopath and botanist Michal Yakir introduced the botanical system that can be used as the foundation of homeopathic prescriptions.

Congress video

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DVDs Complete Set - Mental Health Congress 2013
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Overview of programm:

Friday, March 8:

Jan Scholten (D) - The Plant Kingdom Rajan Sankaran (IND) - The Sensation Method Michal Yakir (ISR) - The Botanical System in Homeopathy

Saturday, March 9:

Farokh Master (IND) - Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorders Louis Klein (CAN) - Panic Attacks, Anxiety and Sleep Disorders

On Saturday evening, visit of our publishing company in Kandern.

Sunday, March 10:

Mahesh Gandhi (IND) - Compulsive Disorders Jonathan Hardy (GB) - Addiction and Eating Disorders

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Spectrum of Homeopathy


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