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Further reports from Japan: "Relief activities for Tohoku Pacific Offshore Earthquake 1th-3rd April 2011"
Torako Yui and her Team visit Fukushima, Sendai and Morioka


Torako Yui
? Announcement from JPHMA


Remedies for the effects of  radioactivity – practical tips

Main remedy:

Other remedies:
Diosp-k: (lack of will to live; burns; the remedy is made from a charred kaki tree (a member of the ebony wood family) which survived Nagasaki and budded again one year later),
Aq-pluvia 1986 (fallout in rainwater after Chernobyl; the remedy was manufactured at that time at the suggestion of Ms. Carstens and has proven its efficacy), and
- Uraninite (pitchblende) or

Other possibilities:
Caes-o, Plut-n, Cadm-s

Other remedies for acute symptoms:
Ars, Carb-v, Acon, Arn

JPHMA is offering homoeopathic remedies with free of charge in this emergency situation
It is being expected increase in victims and sufferers from now on.
We would like to contribute to this situation by providing free homoeopathic remedies as much as possible.
? Message to victims and sufferes from Chairperson of JPHMA

The 8.9-magnitude tremor struck in the afternoon local time on Friday off the coast of Honshu island at a depth of about 24km, 400km (250 miles) north-east of Tokyo.
There are many victims and sufferers in extensive places and there are still afterquake in many places in Japan.
I would like to express my hearty sympathy with people, who have been involved with this terrible disaster.
Many devastations of natural disaster have been confirmed now, and it is being concerned problems from nuclear power plants in Fukushima at the moment.

Please bring homoeopathy home kit wherever you go.

Whatever happened, we, who are involved with homoeopathy, shall keep strength and courage and offer a helping hand to those, who need support.

JPHMA is offering the below 2 homoeopathic remedies with free of charge to people who are victims of this disaster and people who feel anxiety and fear thanks to supports from Homoeopathy Japan Co.

The picking up place is College of Holistic Homoeopathy (CHhom), Homoeopathy Centre, Shops of Homoeopathy Japan all over Japan.


(© Klaus-Uwe Gerhardt/pixelio.de )


1. AAA remedies (Aconite, Arnica, Arsenicum) are essential for this situation, and we advice you always have them ready.

2. RA remedies (Cadm-s, Sol, Pluton, Kali-iod, Cadm-s, Rad-br, Uran-n, and Caes-h) which are suitable for damages from radiation.

If you have homoeopathic home kit, the below remedies are good for shock, trauma and emergency (they are also recommended to people who used to suffer from PTSD).

Acon: Fear, continued fear
Op: Fear, Numbness in fear sense
Arg-n: Fear, Panic
Stram: Fear
Ars: Anxiety, worry, diarrhea
Arn. and Hyper: Bruise, injury
Canth. and Ars: Burns
Phos: Eletrification
Nux-v. Ars. and Carb-v.: polution from harmful substances or rains

Torako Yui, Chairperson of JPHMA

? Messages to homoeopathy colleagues in the world

Dear all my colleagues,

Thank you so much for sending me so many messages to concern about me, JPHMA, people in Japan over two days.
I would like to use this opportunity to thank you all for your warm support.
We are working on supporting people to get a rapid healing with homoeopathy at the moment.
I would like to show you recovered Japan at the ICH and JPHMA international conference in this October.
I am looking forward to meeting you here, in Japan.

Best wishes,

Torako Yui, Chairperson of JPHMA

>>to the original article

? Further Message from Torako Yui (15.03.2011)

This huge earthquake in North east coastal area has been reported as the worst in Japan and I heard the below news as one episode what was happening on this horrible day. This made me think about this event, being in the midst of an ongoing process. I would like to tell you very important thing how I would take this disaster and would like you to think.

There was a young lady, who was working for the village town hall in south Sanriku town, which was one of the badly affected places. She was in charge of risk management in the town hall and had a responsibility to inform people in village that the town is expecting to have a huge Tsunami, so she decided to stay at the hall. Even her mother called her to escape, this young lady did not respond to it and kept announcing people in the village through local transmission ‘Please evacuate from the village! Please evacuate! 6m high Tsunami is coming to this town!’

Her mother made the heartbreaking decision to evacuate from the village by a car, leaving her daughter behind. She evacuated, listening to her daughter’s announcing voice. Cars behind the mother were wiped away. People kept beeping horns in their cars for seeking help. The mother could escape to a mountain side with listening to her daughter’s voice and car horn sounds, but it was real pain for her.

In the end, most of people at the village town hall were killed by this disaster. Only a few tough men who hanged on an iron pole on a roof terrace could survive. The young lady was announcing on third floor of the building until the end. All windows were broken and there were full of rubbles in the wracked building. It was found that the tsunami was not 6 meter high, but was 10 meter high, and wiped the young lady and the village town.

Moreover, the most serious problem by this huge Tsunami has now been on nuclear plants on the coastal area. Japan has approximately 55 nuclear plants on coastal places, which is extraordinary in the world.

What this disaster made me think was that Japanese people should be awakened cleverly. I think that we should start a movement to stop having nuclear plants. I think Japanese people should be brave enough to say that we do not need them anymore, and I would like to generate such move from Japan to the world.

I think it would be good if other countries in the world agree with this move, as Japan start this protest against nuclear plants. What Japanese people should do now is to replace nuclear plants with other resourced plants, being used natural power such as oceans’ waves, and winds. We really should work towards such development, which we can use nature to generate electricity.

I am strongly feeling that Japan should start this move, dreaming a day, when there is no nuclear plants in Japan, in midst of this disaster.
At the moment, 1,800 people were found killed, 15,000 people are missing. It is expecting the death toll will be more than 10,000 people.

As Japan have already experienced atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we, Japanese people really should tell that we do not want to have nuclear plants in our country. I think that it is time for Japanese to face this issue.

If we, Japanese people, do not do any actions after suffering from such big disaster and huge victims and being expected radiation exposure, it will not change nuclear plants situation in the world.

I am feeling this is our mission for Japan, who received this big catastrophe.
That is why, it is time for we, Japanese, to hang in.
We could not realize how dreadful to have 55 nuclear pants until we had such huge victims.
That is why, I think we have to keep improving ourselves every day.

Hahnemann said ‘Aude sapere (Dare to know)’.

We have to know what is safe and what is not safe, what is truth and what is not truth, and what is right and what is not right. It is time to know those things.
I believe that people in the world will be saved if Japan stop having nuclear plants.
I think that Japanese people should start this move with courage. I really hope such dangerous nuclear plants will disappear from your countries, too.

Dear my colleagues in homoeopathy,

I would really like to show you recovered Japan at the time of ICH and JPHMA international conference on 8, 9 and 10 October this year.
Please come to conference in Japan by all means.
I am very looking forward to meeting you here in Japan.

With best wishes,

Torako Yui
Chairperson of JPHMA



Donations for the earthquake/tsunami victims

The JPHMA (Japanese Homeopathic Foundation) has set up a donations account for the earthquake/tsunami victims. Click here for the account details and other information.

Message from Japan


Further reports from Japan: "Relief activities for Tohoku Pacific Offshore Earthquake 1th-3rd April 2011"
Torako Yui and her Team visit Fukushima, Sendai and Morioka


Torako Yui
? Announcement from JPHMA


Remedies for the effects of  radioactivity – practical tips

Main remedy:

Other remedies:
Diosp-k: (lack of will to live; burns; the remedy is made from a charred kaki tree (a member of the ebony wood family) which survived Nagasaki and budded again one year later),
Aq-pluvia 1986 (fallout in rainwater after Chernobyl; the remedy was manufactured at that time at the suggestion of Ms. Carstens and has proven its efficacy), and
- Uraninite (pitchblende) or

Other possibilities:
Caes-o, Plut-n, Cadm-s

Other remedies for acute symptoms:
Ars, Carb-v, Acon, Arn

JPHMA is offering homoeopathic remedies with free of charge in this emergency situation
It is being expected increase in victims and sufferers from now on.
We would like to contribute to this situation by providing free homoeopathic remedies as much as possible.
? Message to victims and sufferes from Chairperson of JPHMA

The 8.9-magnitude tremor struck in the afternoon local time on Friday off the coast of Honshu island at a depth of about 24km, 400km (250 miles) north-east of Tokyo.
There are many victims and sufferers in extensive places and there are still afterquake in many places in Japan.
I would like to express my hearty sympathy with people, who have been involved with this terrible disaster.
Many devastations of natural disaster have been confirmed now, and it is being concerned problems from nuclear power plants in Fukushima at the moment.

Please bring homoeopathy home kit wherever you go.

Whatever happened, we, who are involved with homoeopathy, shall keep strength and courage and offer a helping hand to those, who need support.

JPHMA is offering the below 2 homoeopathic remedies with free of charge to people who are victims of this disaster and people who feel anxiety and fear thanks to supports from Homoeopathy Japan Co.

The picking up place is College of Holistic Homoeopathy (CHhom), Homoeopathy Centre, Shops of Homoeopathy Japan all over Japan.


(© Klaus-Uwe Gerhardt/pixelio.de )


1. AAA remedies (Aconite, Arnica, Arsenicum) are essential for this situation, and we advice you always have them ready.

2. RA remedies (Cadm-s, Sol, Pluton, Kali-iod, Cadm-s, Rad-br, Uran-n, and Caes-h) which are suitable for damages from radiation.

If you have homoeopathic home kit, the below remedies are good for shock, trauma and emergency (they are also recommended to people who used to suffer from PTSD).

Acon: Fear, continued fear
Op: Fear, Numbness in fear sense
Arg-n: Fear, Panic
Stram: Fear
Ars: Anxiety, worry, diarrhea
Arn. and Hyper: Bruise, injury
Canth. and Ars: Burns
Phos: Eletrification
Nux-v. Ars. and Carb-v.: polution from harmful substances or rains

Torako Yui, Chairperson of JPHMA

? Messages to homoeopathy colleagues in the world

Dear all my colleagues,

Thank you so much for sending me so many messages to concern about me, JPHMA, people in Japan over two days.
I would like to use this opportunity to thank you all for your warm support.
We are working on supporting people to get a rapid healing with homoeopathy at the moment.
I would like to show you recovered Japan at the ICH and JPHMA international conference in this October.
I am looking forward to meeting you here, in Japan.

Best wishes,

Torako Yui, Chairperson of JPHMA

>>to the original article

? Further Message from Torako Yui (15.03.2011)

This huge earthquake in North east coastal area has been reported as the worst in Japan and I heard the below news as one episode what was happening on this horrible day. This made me think about this event, being in the midst of an ongoing process. I would like to tell you very important thing how I would take this disaster and would like you to think.

There was a young lady, who was working for the village town hall in south Sanriku town, which was one of the badly affected places. She was in charge of risk management in the town hall and had a responsibility to inform people in village that the town is expecting to have a huge Tsunami, so she decided to stay at the hall. Even her mother called her to escape, this young lady did not respond to it and kept announcing people in the village through local transmission ‘Please evacuate from the village! Please evacuate! 6m high Tsunami is coming to this town!’

Her mother made the heartbreaking decision to evacuate from the village by a car, leaving her daughter behind. She evacuated, listening to her daughter’s announcing voice. Cars behind the mother were wiped away. People kept beeping horns in their cars for seeking help. The mother could escape to a mountain side with listening to her daughter’s voice and car horn sounds, but it was real pain for her.

In the end, most of people at the village town hall were killed by this disaster. Only a few tough men who hanged on an iron pole on a roof terrace could survive. The young lady was announcing on third floor of the building until the end. All windows were broken and there were full of rubbles in the wracked building. It was found that the tsunami was not 6 meter high, but was 10 meter high, and wiped the young lady and the village town.

Moreover, the most serious problem by this huge Tsunami has now been on nuclear plants on the coastal area. Japan has approximately 55 nuclear plants on coastal places, which is extraordinary in the world.

What this disaster made me think was that Japanese people should be awakened cleverly. I think that we should start a movement to stop having nuclear plants. I think Japanese people should be brave enough to say that we do not need them anymore, and I would like to generate such move from Japan to the world.

I think it would be good if other countries in the world agree with this move, as Japan start this protest against nuclear plants. What Japanese people should do now is to replace nuclear plants with other resourced plants, being used natural power such as oceans’ waves, and winds. We really should work towards such development, which we can use nature to generate electricity.

I am strongly feeling that Japan should start this move, dreaming a day, when there is no nuclear plants in Japan, in midst of this disaster.
At the moment, 1,800 people were found killed, 15,000 people are missing. It is expecting the death toll will be more than 10,000 people.

As Japan have already experienced atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we, Japanese people really should tell that we do not want to have nuclear plants in our country. I think that it is time for Japanese to face this issue.

If we, Japanese people, do not do any actions after suffering from such big disaster and huge victims and being expected radiation exposure, it will not change nuclear plants situation in the world.

I am feeling this is our mission for Japan, who received this big catastrophe.
That is why, it is time for we, Japanese, to hang in.
We could not realize how dreadful to have 55 nuclear pants until we had such huge victims.
That is why, I think we have to keep improving ourselves every day.

Hahnemann said ‘Aude sapere (Dare to know)’.

We have to know what is safe and what is not safe, what is truth and what is not truth, and what is right and what is not right. It is time to know those things.
I believe that people in the world will be saved if Japan stop having nuclear plants.
I think that Japanese people should start this move with courage. I really hope such dangerous nuclear plants will disappear from your countries, too.

Dear my colleagues in homoeopathy,

I would really like to show you recovered Japan at the time of ICH and JPHMA international conference on 8, 9 and 10 October this year.
Please come to conference in Japan by all means.
I am very looking forward to meeting you here in Japan.

With best wishes,

Torako Yui
Chairperson of JPHMA



Donations for the earthquake/tsunami victims

The JPHMA (Japanese Homeopathic Foundation) has set up a donations account for the earthquake/tsunami victims. Click here for the account details and other information.

Spectrum of Homeopathy


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