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Spiders and Scorpions - Spectrum of Homeopathy 02/2020

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Spiders and Scorpions - Spectrum of Homeopathy 02/2020

Are you afraid of spiders? If so you aren’t alone. Arachnophobia is by far the most common fear of animals. This exaggerated aversion cannot be explained by the real danger posed by spiders. It has a long tradition: in mythology the spider archetype is characterised by the devious exercise of power, violence and a dark aggressive sexuality. In this new issue of SPECTRUM we present the patterns of speech, thought and behaviour, and the issues preoccupying those who can profit from homeopathic treatment with a spider or scorpion remedy. They have frequently suffered violence or abuse in their childhood from close family.

The case histories from our international authors highlight how a highly toxic mixture of malicious attacks, lack of empathy and asocial behaviour is passed on from generation to generation, turning victims into perpetrators. The typically impulsive, provocative and aggressive behaviour originates in severely disturbed early childhood bonding. In children the essence of spiders and scorpions is expressed directly in their games, hobbies, drawings and fantasies.Psychological disturbances clearly stand out in this issue.

The spectrum ranges from ADHD, autism and asocial behaviour in children and teenagers to panic attacks, borderline personality disorders and depression with a suicidal tendency in adults. It is astonishing how much homeopathic treatment can achieve in such cases of severe bonding disorders and major psychopathology. Even if those affected are not healed of their trauma, a spider remedy frequently helps them become calmer, less aggressive and more responsive so that they can better integrate into society and express their particular intellectual and physical talents.With this issue of SPECTRUM we aim to clarify the taxonomy and hierarchy of the arachnids, presenting both well-known remedies such as Aranea, Mygale, Theridion, Tarentula cubensis, Scorpio europaeus and Androctonus as well as unfamiliar remedies such as the golden silk orb-weavers Nephila (see extract here).

Last but not least: in this issue we are also featuring a special update on the search for remedies to treat the Covid-19 pandemic that has transfixed people around the world.  Covid-19 has come to represent collective insecurity and existential fear in the face of a health threat to which there is currently no effective treatment.So we have recently been closely watching and interacting with homeopaths around the world as they discuss their cases and analyse the genus epidemicus for Covid-19. Our resulting report focuses on the experience of several prominent homeopaths together with their published results, featuring especially the authors who regularly publish their work here in SPECTRUM. They have been treating patients in some of the major epicentres such as Iran, Italy, Spain, UK and New York. We sincerely hope their suggestions can guide you if patients suffering the effects of Covid-19 seek your help.

Reading excerpt
Reading excerpt

Jörg Wichmann: Big, brown, and not very poisonous
Homeopathic classification of the Arachnids

Jonathan Hardy: A web of lies
Latrodectus hasselti and the themes of the spider remedies

Nancy Herrick: I love Spider-Man!
Aranea ixobola for ADHD

Massimo Mangialavori: Caught in repetition compulsion
Tarantism and the spider archetype

Olga Fatula: The tightrope walker
Nephila and the spiders of the periodic table

Jane Cicchetti: Well connected
Tela araneae makes contact

Bhawish Joshi: A childish workaholic
Mygale lasiodora for atopic eczema and bronchial asthma

Deborah Collins: Family hell
Mygale lasiodora and Theridion in cases of sexual abuse

Andreas Richter: It runs in the family
Scorpion remedies and severe attachment disorders

Wim Roukema: Murderous fantasies
Androctonus for antisocial personality disorders

Pratik Desai, Alifiya Dedanwala: The seeds of violence
Scorpio europaeus and the effects of abuse

Bronwyn Marks: Latrodectus hasselti, an acute case

Jürgen Hansel: Homeopathy in the time of Covid-19


Spiders and Scorpions - Spectrum of Homeopathy 02/2020

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Dr Joan Vidal-Jove
verified purchase
6 years ago
Excellent mix of subjects and themes
Wonderful reviews, specifically the ones dedicated to vaccination read more ...
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7 years ago
Spectrum of Homeopathy
Always inspiring and relevant. I find that I often go back to my library of Spectrum journals to re-read for reference when I have unusual cases as they provide me with alternative answers. read more ...
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Francis Treuherz
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2 years ago
very interesting
I have retired from clinical practice at the age of 80. Spectrum fills the gap and enables me to keep up with the developing ideas of homeopathy by reading the intelligent discussions of themed materia medica. read more ...
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Denise Wilhelmi

2 years ago
Reptiles "E Book"
I spent 2 days trying to download this Ebook and finally contacted Adobe to find they cannot help me as Adobe does not support the Elements download programme.
I emailed Narayana Verlag 'contact person' to request help or a replacement hard copy. The outcome is l need to cancel my order and re order a hard copy. If i am successful i will do another review.
I have been satisfied with previous books purchased through Narayana Verlag.
Best Regards.
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Marie L.
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3 years ago
Great publication
I love the articles and case reports and keeping up to date on new books as well. Thank you for all the work that goes into each one - it shows! read more ...
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verified purchase
4 years ago
Spectrum Gold Series
Rich issue, in depth analysis of the remedies, very helpful. read more ...
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4 years ago
Spiders and Scorpions - Spectrum of Homeopathy
As always, a great magazine read more ...
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Madalina Fodolica
verified purchase
4 years ago
a masterpiece
important information for your work with patients read more ...
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karen gorney
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5 years ago
i am a subscriber from the first issue!
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verified purchase
5 years ago
Love this magazine edition
Very informative if interested in bird remedies read more ...
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Spectrum of Homeopathy