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S.L. from United Kingdom
Excellent selection.
D.P. from USA
thank you
V.H. from Ireland
Always a pleasure to order from this company ?⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️Narayana Verlag

- more than 10.000 products about homeopathy and natural healing
- Seminars with worldwide known homeopathic doctors
- Healthy and natural food
- Homeopathy for plants

S.L. from United Kingdom
Excellent selection.
Spektrum der Homöopathie - Die Zeitschrift
Die Zeitschrift für Homöopathie präsentiert die Homöopathie von Hahnemann bis Scholten, von Bönninghausen bis Sankaran.
Die letzte Ausgabe ist im Dezember 2024 erschienen. Weitere neue Ausgaben wird es nicht mehr geben.
„Vielen Dank für Ihre hervorragende Zeitschrift (Spektrum), die weltweit ihresgleichen sucht (was kaum der besonderen Erwähnung bedarf). Sie ist ein wundervolles Geschenk.“
Roger Morrison, Autor der weltweiten Besteller "Handbuch der homöopathischen Leitsymptome und Bestätigungssymptome" (1997) und "Handbuch der Pathologie zur homöopathischen Differentialdiagnose" (2010)
„Spektrum ist etwas ganz Wunderbares, so viele gute Homöopathen aus aller Welt mit ihrem Wissen zu einem Thema zusammen zu bringen (…) Auch das ist eine Art, zu heilen.“
Declan Hammond, Homöopath, Schulleiter und Dozent aus Irland
„Spektrum ist etwas ganz Wunderbares, ...
Declan Hammond, Homöopath aus Irland
Mediadaten "Spektrum Homöopathie"
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Single issue: $ 21.80
Single issue: $ 21.80
Single issue: $ 20
Single issue: $ 24
average customer rating: ![]() 4,6 out of 5 Stars 126 reviews (german), 62 reviews (english) Top commentsShow newest comments firstDr Joan Vidal-Jove verified purchase
6 years ago
Excellent mix of subjects and themes
Wonderful reviews, specifically the ones dedicated to vaccination read more ... 67 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
![]() ![]() Johanna Stahl verified purchase
4 years ago
Homeopathy, an effective medicine
After everything I am hearing at the moment, it was very good for me to read the reports of doctors from different countries who were able to help patients with homeopathy. I was very impressed by the article on CO2. All people worldwide who wear a mask are affected. This increases the CO2 content in the blood, which is harmful to us humans. It triggers symptoms that can easily be attributed to the virus. To all those who have contributed to this issue: Thank you very much! read more ... 44 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
Show original simone verified purchase
8 years ago
Recommended specialised literature
Very informative, both for "newcomers" to homeopathy and for experienced homeopaths. Highly recommended overall. read more ... 20 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
Show original Betina Quägber-Zehe M.A. verified purchase
4 years ago
Very exciting and informative reading
As an interested non-medical person (is there a female form of layperson??), I have read the articles very carefully and find them extremely informative. Fortunately, no one in our family has Corona yet, but we have been taking Influenzinum for several years and have been flu-free ever since. I would also see Bryonia as Genius epidemicus in our latitudes, as it shows the most similarities. read more ... 17 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
Show original S. Voege verified purchase
3 years ago
Long Covid: Hervorragend
I think this booklet is really remarkable and excellent. The articles show that there are various homeopathic ways out of the misery if you are affected by Covid or the vaccination against it. This takes away a lot of fear and gives you the confidence to get through such a crisis well. Many thanks to the authors for their search for appropriate treatment options and for putting their knowledge into words and publishing it. This booklet is also interesting for laypeople and highly recommended. read more ... 15 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
Show original Iris PH
4 years ago
Genius epidemicus
Last week, the new Spektrum booklet "Genius epidemicus - Homeopathy in times of the pandemic" arrived and I dived straight into it. It is so valuable to be able to study these wonderful experiences of colleagues (all over the world) in such a condensed form. Thank you for this opportunity. Your Spektrum team is doing a unique job, which I greatly appreciate! read more ... 11 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
Show original eine Leserin verified purchase
3 years ago
I am thrilled!
I have now read several issues of "Spektrum der Homöopathie" and am enthusiastic about every issue. Reading them has given me an understanding of the topic in question that I didn't have before, and in a short space of time, because the basic and important information is well structured and presented in an interesting way. I also feel that there is a lot of passion behind this magazine, which has a very motivating effect on me. Thank you very much for having it! read more ... 8 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
Show original M. Sandvoss verified purchase
4 years ago
Important information
A very substantial, successful booklet. Also with regard to the general corona policy, which has so far tried to ignore homeopathy. read more ... 7 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
Show original Janine verified purchase
8 years ago
Spectrum of Homeopathy
Always inspiring and relevant. I find that I often go back to my library of Spectrum journals to re-read for reference when I have unusual cases as they provide me with alternative answers. read more ... 7 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
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Spektrum der Homöopathie - Die Zeitschrift für Homöopathie
In der Homöopathie hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten viel bewegt – vom Gebrauch moderner Software über die Erweiterung und Systematisierung der Materia Medica bis zu neuen methodischen Ansätzen. Der Narayana Verlag möchte diese Entwicklung auf besondere Weise begleiten. Weil wir aus Erfahrung wissen, dass im lebendigen Zusammenwirken verschiedener homöopathischer Richtungen die Zukunft dieser traditionsreichen Heilmethode liegt, wollen wir als Fachverlag mit einem modernen und aufgeschlossenen Magazin einen Beitrag zur Synthese leisten. Der Name SPEKTRUM DER HOMÖOPATHIE steht dabei für den Anspruch, die ganze Bandbreite der Homöopathie von Hahnemann bis Scholten, von Bönninghausen bis Sankaran zu präsentieren.Erfahrung, Wissen und Vielfalt
SPEKTRUM überzeugt seit der ersten Ausgabe im Oktober 2009 erfahrene Homöopathen ebenso wie wissbegierige Einsteiger. Fundierte klinische Erfahrung, kompaktes Arzneiwissen und Vielfalt der Methoden zeichnen diese Fachzeitschrift aus. Der Kreis renommierter Autoren und begeisterter Leser aus aller Welt hat sich stetig erweitert. Zu unserer großen Freude haben die neun Ausgaben von SPEKTRUM eine fruchtbare Zusammenarbeit zwischen erfahrenen und kreativen Homöopathen aus ganz Europa, Kanada, den USA und Indien geschaffen und ein lebendiges Netzwerk entwickelt.Klinische Erfahrung, kompaktes Arzneiwissen, Vielfalt der Methoden Fundierte klinische Erfahrung, kompaktes Arzneiwissen und Vielfalt der Methoden auf dem Boden der klassischen Homöopathie sind die drei Schwerpunkte, die Sie in unserem Magazin finden. Renommierte Homöopathen aus aller Welt tragen zu dieser Zeitschrift bei: Jan Scholten, Rajan Sankaran, Massimo Mangialavori, Anne Schadde, Ulrich Welte, Bhawisha und Shachindra Joshi, Jonathan Shore, Roger Morrison, Didier Grandgeorge, Jonathan Hardy, Jeremy Sherr, Phillip Bailley, Judith Ullman-Reichenberg, Marie Luc Fayton, Andreas Richter, Rosina Sonnenschmidt, Resie Moonen, Willi Neuhold, Franz Swoboda, Deborah Collins, Jürgen Hansel und viele mehr.

Für die redaktionelle Qualität sorgen unsere beiden Chefredakteure Christa Gebhardt (Journalistin) und Dr. Jürgen Hansel (Homöopath) sowie ein namhafter Fachbeirat. So entsteht zu unserer großen Freude mit diesem neuen Magazin eine fruchtbare Zusammenarbeit zwischen erfahrenen und kreativen Homöopathen aus ganz Europa, Kanada, den USA, Australien, Neuseeland und Indien und deshalb auch für unsere Kunden ein Netzwerk, das wertvolle Kontakte verknüpft und dabei dennoch überschaubar ist.
„Spektrum ist etwas ganz Wunderbares, so viele gute Homöopathen aus aller Welt mit ihrem Wissen zu einem Thema zusammen zu bringen (…) Auch das ist eine Art, zu heilen.“Declan Hammond, Homöopath, Schulleiter und Dozent aus Irland
Weitere Rückmeldungen
The Infect Spectrum is one of the best journals I can remember. So many coherent approaches to the remedy, all written by competent authors, so many good facets you won't find anywhere else in a journal. Every article is coherent and informative.
I particularly liked the tips from the experienced Ute Bullemer, whom I didn't know before; I will think of Anantherum for the frequent cervical erosion; Erodium is also often good, by the way.
Heiner Frei's method is well presented and has long been a welcome addition to our daily routine.
I found T. Curtis' description of the trembling aspen, which she describes very well and substantiates with cases that can then also be explained by plant theory, to be excellent work.
D. Payrhuber also has very nice cases, especially the two Helleborus cases.
Rajan Sankaran's Pulsatilla case also coincides with our best Puls cases, because they are not just as gentle as is always claimed: this characteristic is part of the picture and corresponds to stage 2. I found the fact that the patient indignantly slapped a Riksha driver interesting, because it is true: the Ranunculaceae are all more or less quickly indignant and so irritable that they can also strike, as is known from Staph. Internal or external trembling or quivering is also common to all Ranunculaceae.
Franz Swoboda's excellent article made me laugh a lot. It should be added that the quintessence of his "epidemic" is also described in Jan Scholten's Elements: Ant-t helps practically all cases of chronic bronchitis to a greater or lesser extent (he did not claim this about any other remedy, and it is true), but it does not cure. His new observation of the mycoplasma nosode as a counterpart is particularly interesting.
Then the cholera article: simply super, the best thing I have read about cholera so far. Especially the good refutation that only the avoidance of bloodletting and the (low) intake of fluids was the only reason for the indisputable superiority of the homeopathic treatments at that time, I found very conclusive.
Then the Iquilai study: where can you find something like that today? First class.
I even found Kate Birch's birch drink for all vaccination problems interesting, even if it has to be said that you can make things unnecessarily difficult for yourself with too many theoretical considerations. At least you understand why everything has to be packed into a potion. A nice case, after all.
The molluscs by Mrs Schuller-Schreib are also worthwhile. In this context also the Calc case by K Adal.
Then also the reference to the index at the end: a super booklet. read more ...
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