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Cancer in Animals - What is to be cured?

Sue Armstrong

Buch: 192 pages, hb
publication: 2016
product no.: 19277
weight: 660g
ISBN: 978-3-95582-101-2 9783955821012
This book in German

Cancer in Animals - What is to be cured?

Sue Armstrong

37.90 US$
7.40 US$
80,5% cheaper
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days
in Veterinary
Buch: 192 pages, hb
publication: 2016
product no.: 19277
weight: 660g
ISBN: 978-3-95582-101-2 9783955821012
This book in German

We are at the early stages of understanding the disease process of cancer. It is difficult to make decisions when it comes to treating affected animals. Subjecting animals to anaesthetics and toxic drugs to achieve remission is a moral dilemma. Homeopathy is not the magic bullet for treating cancer and does not claim to be so.

However, the clinical experience that Sue Armstrong has gained over thirty years of treating veterinary cancer patients that could not tolerate chemo- or radiotherapy, or whose owners could not afford to treat using these methods or refused to treat conventionally, has given her insights not only into a methodology for treating cancer cases but also into the disease process itself.

In the first volume of the series, the expert vet describes the scope of homeopathy. She looks at the basics of how cancer arises, its genetic origins and the role of inflammatory processes and oxygen. Then she describes the development of homeopathic cancer treatment from Hahnemann until today, showing the successful approaches of famous homeopaths such as Kent, Grimmer, Ramakrishnan, and Burnett.

Sue Armstrong describes her approach in great detail, distinguishing the various stages of cancer. In animals with a strong predisposition for cancer, a great deal can be achieved by prophylactically altering the diet and using miasmatic treatment. If the tumour is confirmed, treatment is selected according to the stage of the cancer and, for example, whether surgery is indicated.

Organotropic remedies, drainage and Schuessler salts are used supportively together with the major cancer nosodes Carcinosinum and Scirrhinum. Clear instructions are also provided for treating the effects of cancer such as cachexia, disturbances in haemoptysis or vomiting. She documents her approach with impressive cases. At the end there is a concise materia medica of cancer remedies.

"Sue Armstrong is one of the leading veterinary homeopaths in the United Kingdom. She has developed a special interest in the causes of cancer and homeopathic approach to neoplasia in general and malignancy in particular."
John Saxton, BVetMed, VetFFHom

"This book exceeds expectations. In the early chapters the whole subject of cancer is put into perspective from both the homeopathic and conventional standpoints, to be followed by individual chapters of practical homeopathic guidance. It is not, of course, exhaustive and the author makes no such claim for it. It is exactly what it sets out to be; the first introductory volume of a series which will be a must for all serious homeopaths."
John Saxton, BVetMed, VetFFHom

37.90 US$
7.40 US$
80,5% cheaper
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

We are at the early stages of understanding the disease process of cancer. It is difficult to make decisions when it comes to treating affected animals. Subjecting animals to anaesthetics and toxic drugs to achieve remission is a moral dilemma. Homeopathy is not the magic bullet for treating cancer and does not claim to be so.

However, the clinical experience that Sue Armstrong has gained over thirty years of treating veterinary cancer patients that could not tolerate chemo- or radiotherapy, or whose owners could not afford to treat using these methods or refused to treat conventionally, has given her insights not only into a methodology for treating cancer cases but also into the disease process itself.

In the first volume of the series, the expert vet describes the scope of homeopathy. She looks at the basics of how cancer arises, its genetic origins and the role of inflammatory processes and oxygen. Then she describes the development of homeopathic cancer treatment from Hahnemann until today, showing the successful approaches of famous homeopaths such as Kent, Grimmer, Ramakrishnan, and Burnett.

Sue Armstrong describes her approach in great detail, distinguishing the various stages of cancer. In animals with a strong predisposition for cancer, a great deal can be achieved by prophylactically altering the diet and using miasmatic treatment. If the tumour is confirmed, treatment is selected according to the stage of the cancer and, for example, whether surgery is indicated.

Organotropic remedies, drainage and Schuessler salts are used supportively together with the major cancer nosodes Carcinosinum and Scirrhinum. Clear instructions are also provided for treating the effects of cancer such as cachexia, disturbances in haemoptysis or vomiting. She documents her approach with impressive cases. At the end there is a concise materia medica of cancer remedies.

"Sue Armstrong is one of the leading veterinary homeopaths in the United Kingdom. She has developed a special interest in the causes of cancer and homeopathic approach to neoplasia in general and malignancy in particular."
John Saxton, BVetMed, VetFFHom

"This book exceeds expectations. In the early chapters the whole subject of cancer is put into perspective from both the homeopathic and conventional standpoints, to be followed by individual chapters of practical homeopathic guidance. It is not, of course, exhaustive and the author makes no such claim for it. It is exactly what it sets out to be; the first introductory volume of a series which will be a must for all serious homeopaths."
John Saxton, BVetMed, VetFFHom

37.90 US$
7.40 US$
80,5% cheaper
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

Frequently bought together
Cancer in Animals - What is to be cured?, Sue Armstrong+Kidneys and Bladder - Basis of Self-Realisation, Rosina Sonnenschmidt =
Total price 14.80 US$
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available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

This product: Cancer in Animals - What is to be cured? by Sue Armstrong ‐ 7.40 US$
Kidneys and Bladder - Basis of Self-Realisation by Rosina Sonnenschmidt ‐ 7.40 US$

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verified purchase
8 months ago
A valuable introduction to the homeopathic management of animals with cancer, this is the only existing book on the subject. The author, an English unicist homeopathic veterinary surgeon, has extensive clinical experience, hindsight and invaluable expertise. Editions Narayan absolutely MUST publish the following volumes. read more ...
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Original language: french, translated by Narayana
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8 years ago
Wonderful book.
I read this wonderful book cover to cover. Found it to be very useful resource. It has practical knowledge including lot of original work.

Dogmas, sectarianism and blind following of opinions has hurt homeopathy in general. Innovation, improvisation and improvement is looked down upon and as non-classical.

This resulted in rapid downfall of homeopathy. However it is the field of Oncology where homeopathy has been reduced to secondary, dependent, inferior modality. Homeopaths helped "modern medicine" in vanquishing homeopathy to secondary status.

Sue Armstrong's book is a step towards providing the scientific unprejudiced minds, a framework of building a knowledge base. These are first steps though. More work needs to be done.
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Tom Farrington
verified purchase
8 years ago
A Wonderful Rescource
Both for those who are just dipping cancer treatment and those who regularly tackle cancer case this is a wonderful resource which is well referenced and covers the many disciplines needed to do so succcessfully read more ...
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Dr Fisher
verified purchase
6 years ago
Lots of information from other sources.
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