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Narayana Verlag (216) Zeitschrift (65) Rosina Sonnenschmidt (54) Jan Scholten (39)

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Homeopathy - Homeopathy

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Narayana Verlag (216) Zeitschrift (65) Rosina Sonnenschmidt (54) Jan Scholten (39)

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Books 661 to 720 (of 2041)
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Lamu Provings

128 pages, pb, product no. 11684
21.10 US$
13.80 US$
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Lantánidos Secretos

512 pages, pb, product no. 11742
62.90 US$
50.90 US$
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Chara intermedia

Die reinigende Kraft der Armleuchteralge - Eine homöopathische Studie mit Fallbeispielen
224 pages, hb, product no. 12328
25.30 US$
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Homeopathy in Healthcare

Effectiveness, Appropriateness, Safety, Costs
300 pages, pb, product no. 13068
67.90 US$
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Handbuch der homöopathischen Arzneimittellehre

808 pages, hb, product no. 13460
40.90 US$
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103.00 US$
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Homöopathische Mittelbilder

Die 65 wichtigsten Mittel in Wort und Bild
288 pages, hb, product no. 15165
40.90 US$
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La sustancia de la homepatía (Spanish Edition)

Incluye 2 CD's con música de sanación
384 pages, hb, product no. 15335
69.90 US$
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Homeopathy and Mental Health Care

Integrative Practice, Principles and Research (Softcover edition)
340 pages, pb, product no. 16084
26.00 US$
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Die Farben als Hilfe zur homöopathischen Mittelfindung - Band 1

344 pages, hb, product no. 17645
36.90 US$
6.70 US$
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Band 31 - Documenta homoeopathica

336 pages, hb, product no. 21145
48.90 US$
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Homeopathy for Dogs - 1 DVD

Challenges finding the remedy for animals
Veterinary Congress - April 22.-24. 2016 in Bad Bellingen Germany
1 DVDs, DVD, product no. 23006
47.90 US$
7.30 US$
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Die Pioniere der Homöopathie im 21. Jahrhundert

Gespräche mit Jan Scholten, Massimo Mangialavori, Heiner Frei, Alok Pareek, Frederik Schroyens, Rajan Sankaran, Resie Moonen, Farokh Master, Klaus von Ammon, Mahesh Gandhi, Ulrich Welte, Michal Yakir...
344 pages, hb, product no. 23947
31.90 US$
6.10 US$
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Your Pathway to Classical Homeopathy

Guidelines And Practical Factsheets
160 pages, pb, product no. 23983
16.90 US$
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Homöopathische Arzneimittellehre mit Repertorium

Meister der klassischen Homöopathie. Mit Zugang zur Medizinwelt
904 pages, hb, product no. 24123
97.90 US$
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raum&zeit Ausgabe Nr. 221 - September / Oktober 2019

Wissenschaft und Medizin in der Diskussion.
114 pages, booklet, product no. 24595
10.40 US$
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Homeopathy for Cattle, Goats and Sheep

An introduction
128 pages, pb, product no. 28328
19.30 US$
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Everyday Homeopathy for Animals

486 pages, pb, product no. 28452
30.90 US$
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Spektrum der Homöopathie 2022-3, Muttermittel - E-Book

152 pages, booklet, product no. 28769
19.00 US$
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Naturgesunde Pflanzen durch Homöopathie

Die Selbstheilungskräfte der Pflanzen wecken. Für alle Garten-, Balkon- und Zimmerpflanzen
144 pages, hb, product no. 30620
19.00 US$
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Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - Life and Death, Addiction, Iron series, Rheumatism, Infections

Set content: 5 booklets: Life and Death, Addiction, Iron series, Rheumatism, Infections
booklet, product no. 30654
94.90 US$
19.00 US$
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Spektrum der Homöopathie 2023-1, Fische - E-Book

152 pages, booklet, product no. 30911
19.00 US$
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Wad Stories

109 pages, pb, product no. 00234
21.10 US$
13.50 US$
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Homöopathie und die Elemente

880 pages, hb, product no. 00239
89.90 US$
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Kleines Farben-Set

product no. 00306
74.90 US$
50.90 US$
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Accurate Homoeopathy

Hahnemann's directives & it's application
220 pages, hb, product no. 01102
20.00 US$
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10.40 US$
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Leitsymptome und Nosoden

520 pages, hb, product no. 02541
36.90 US$
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13.00 US$
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Die chronischen Krankheiten

200 pages, hb, product no. 03887
19.00 US$
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Homöopathische Erste Hilfe

68 pages, booklet, product no. 04333
14.50 US$
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Miasmatische Krebstherapie

Prozessorientierte Behandlung mit Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
487 pages, hb, product no. 04815
40.90 US$
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Nieren und Blase - Basis der Selbstverwirklichung

Band 5: Schriftenreihe Organ - Konflikt - Heilung
Mit Homöopathie, Naturheilkunde und Übungen
120 pages, hb, product no. 05463
35.90 US$
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Weibliche und männliche Sexualorgane - Selbstverwirklichung

Band 8: Schriftenreihe Organ - Konflikt - Heilung
Mit Homöopathie, Naturheilkunde und Übungen
144 pages, hb, product no. 05466
35.90 US$
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Sure Shot Repertory Guide for PG Students

310 pages, pb, product no. 05977
10.50 US$
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Release the Vital Force

The Exact Science and Art of Homeopathic Patient Examination
154 pages, pb, product no. 06343
15.30 US$
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Carcinosinum II- A Collection of Cases Studies

The Chronic Picture
148 pages, hb, product no. 06501
16.90 US$
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Die homöopathische Revolution

Prominente Befürworter aus Wissenschaft, Kultur, Politik und Sport
496 pages, hb, product no. 06928
19.95 US$
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Apparative Hochpotenzherstellung in der Homöopathie in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika im Zeitraum von 1860-1920

Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte der Pharmazie
Band 94
254 pages, hb, product no. 11548
26.20 US$
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Les couleurs en homéopathie - Set

Nuancier et Répertoire de couleurs avec instructions
booklet, product no. 11628
50.90 US$
30.90 US$
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Homöopathie für Katzen

Erkrankungen und Verhaltensauffälligkeiten erkennen und gezielt behandeln
400 pages, pb, product no. 11755
13.50 US$
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16.80 US$
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Spektrum der Homöopathie 2013-2, Allergien

Pollen, Tiere, Nahrungsmittel
128 pages, booklet, product no. 13353
19.00 US$
13.10 US$
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Spectrum of Homeopathy 2013-3, Allergies

Pollens Animals Foodstuffs
120 pages, booklet, product no. 13455
24.00 US$
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The shoulder - DVD

1 DVDs, DVD, product no. 14039

Homeopathy for Sheep - Illnesses Found in Sheep and Their Homeopathic Treatment - 1 DVD

Veterinary Congress - April 21, 2013 in Badenweiler Germany
1 DVDs, DVD, product no. 15882

Scholten Intensive - 4 DVD's

The latest insights on the periodic table and the system of plants Berlin, March 6-7, 2010
4 DVDs, DVD, product no. 18613


Second Edition
294 pages, hb, product no. 18771

Jungle Camp for Homeopaths - 1 DVD

A Documentary by Katrin Filenius
1 DVDs, DVD, product no. 20188

Constitutional Medicine

182 pages, pb, product no. 00011

The People of the Materia Medica World

A Comparative Materia Medica
176 pages, pb, product no. 00162

Homoeopathy in Theory & Practice

40 pages, pb, product no. 00178

An Easy and Interesting Textbook of Homoeopathic Materia Medica

1152 pages, hb, product no. 01756

Evaluation of Remedys Thermal State

68 pages, pb, product no. 01806

Homoeophatic Therapeutics

1154 pages, hb, product no. 04837

Materia Medica of Mind Singular Medicine Symptoms

196 pages, hb, product no. 06172

The Essence of Various Groups - Live Cases

The Main Features of Different Elements discussed with Practical Case Examples
306 pages, pb, product no. 09907

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