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Leinöl mit pflanzlichen Omega Fettsäuren 3-6-9 - 1.000 mg pro Tagesdosis (1 Kapsel) - 120 Softgelkapseln - von Unimedica

Leinöl mit pflanzlichen Omega Fettsäuren 3-6-9 - 1.000 mg pro Tagesdosis (1 Kapsel) - 120 Softgelkapseln - von Unimedica
Leinöl mit pflanzlichen Omega Fettsäuren 3-6-9 - 1.000 mg pro Tagesdosis (1 Kapsel) - 120 Softgelkapseln - von UnimedicaLeinöl mit pflanzlichen Omega Fettsäuren 3-6-9 - 1.000 mg pro Tagesdosis (1 Kapsel) - 120 Softgelkapseln - von UnimedicaLeinöl mit pflanzlichen Omega Fettsäuren 3-6-9 - 1.000 mg pro Tagesdosis (1 Kapsel) - 120 Softgelkapseln - von Unimedica
product no.: 26242
EAN: 4251662101741

Leinöl mit pflanzlichen Omega Fettsäuren 3-6-9 - 1.000 mg pro Tagesdosis (1 Kapsel) - 120 Softgelkapseln - von Unimedica

Nahrungsergänzungsmittel mit kaltgepresstem nativem Leinsamenöl
12.30 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days
product no.: 26242
EAN: 4251662101741

1 Glas = 120 Softgelkapseln

 Leinöl Kapseln von Unimedica enthalten 100 % naturreines Leinsamenöl. Die Leinsamen werden dafür schonend kalt gepresst, um die wertvollen Inhaltsstoffe bestmöglich zu erhalten.

Leinöl ist von Natur aus reich an ungesättigten und mehrfach ungesättigten Fettsäuren. Der Ersatz gesättigter Fettsäuren durch einfach und/ oder mehrfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren in der Ernährung trägt zur Aufrechterhaltung eines normalen Cholesterinspiegels im Blut bei, wenn täglich mindestens 2 g ungesättigte Fettsäuren aufgenommen werden.

Leinöl Softgelkapseln von Unimedica enthalten die mehrfach ungesättigten Fettsäuren Omega 3, Omega 6 und Omega 9 in optimaler Zusammensetzung.

Die Leinöl Softgelkapseln von Unimedica sind leicht zu schlucken. Sie empfehlen sich als Alternative zur Verwendung reinen, flüssigen Leinöls, wenn der Geschmack oder die Konsistenz von Leinöl nicht zusagt.

Zum anderen hat reines Leinöl keine lange Haltbarkeitsdauer. In den Leinöl Kapseln von Unimedica ist das wertvolle Leinöl in weichen Kapseln eingeschlossen und daher länger haltbar.

Die Leinöl Kapseln von Unimedica enthalten 100 % naturreines, kaltgepresstes Leinöl. Die Leinöl Kapseln von Unimedica sind, entsprechend gesetzlicher Vorgaben, frei von Farbstoffen, Konservierungsstoffen, Stabilisatoren, Magnesiumstearat sowie ohne Gentechnik und laktosefrei.

Alpha-Linolensäure (ALA, Omega 3 Fettsäure) trägt ab einer täglichen Aufnahme von 2 g bei

  • zur Aufrechterhaltung eines normalen Cholesterinspiegels im Blut,
  • zur normalen Entwicklung und zum normalen Wachstum von Kindern.

*Durch die Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit zugelassene gesundheitsbezogene Angaben




12.30 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

lactose free

Free from artificial colors

Free from preservatives

Without genetic technology


Cold-pressed, native linseed oil¹ (Linum Usitatissimum), soft gel capsule made from beef gelatine, humectant made from vegetable glycerine, water

¹ from an EU country

Note: The specified recommended consumption must not be exceeded. Food supplements are no substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Dosage form

  • Capsules
  • Recommended consumption:

    Take 1 capsule daily with a meal with sufficient liquid.


    Store closed, dry, cool and protected from light.
    Keep out of reach of small children.
    Flaxseed oil1000 ***
    of which alpha-linolenic acid (Omega 3)500 ***
    of which linoleic acid (Omega 6)110 ***
    of which oleic acid (Omega 9)110 ***


    * (1 capsule)
    ** Percentage of the nutrient reference values according to Regulation VO (EU) 1169/2011 (LMIV)
    *** No nutrient reference values known.


    Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Germany

    1 Glas = 120 Softgelkapseln

     Leinöl Kapseln von Unimedica enthalten 100 % naturreines Leinsamenöl. Die Leinsamen werden dafür schonend kalt gepresst, um die wertvollen Inhaltsstoffe bestmöglich zu erhalten.

    Leinöl ist von Natur aus reich an ungesättigten und mehrfach ungesättigten Fettsäuren. Der Ersatz gesättigter Fettsäuren durch einfach und/ oder mehrfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren in der Ernährung trägt zur Aufrechterhaltung eines normalen Cholesterinspiegels im Blut bei, wenn täglich mindestens 2 g ungesättigte Fettsäuren aufgenommen werden.

    Leinöl Softgelkapseln von Unimedica enthalten die mehrfach ungesättigten Fettsäuren Omega 3, Omega 6 und Omega 9 in optimaler Zusammensetzung.

    Die Leinöl Softgelkapseln von Unimedica sind leicht zu schlucken. Sie empfehlen sich als Alternative zur Verwendung reinen, flüssigen Leinöls, wenn der Geschmack oder die Konsistenz von Leinöl nicht zusagt.

    Zum anderen hat reines Leinöl keine lange Haltbarkeitsdauer. In den Leinöl Kapseln von Unimedica ist das wertvolle Leinöl in weichen Kapseln eingeschlossen und daher länger haltbar.

    Die Leinöl Kapseln von Unimedica enthalten 100 % naturreines, kaltgepresstes Leinöl. Die Leinöl Kapseln von Unimedica sind, entsprechend gesetzlicher Vorgaben, frei von Farbstoffen, Konservierungsstoffen, Stabilisatoren, Magnesiumstearat sowie ohne Gentechnik und laktosefrei.

    Alpha-Linolensäure (ALA, Omega 3 Fettsäure) trägt ab einer täglichen Aufnahme von 2 g bei

    • zur Aufrechterhaltung eines normalen Cholesterinspiegels im Blut,
    • zur normalen Entwicklung und zum normalen Wachstum von Kindern.

    *Durch die Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit zugelassene gesundheitsbezogene Angaben




    12.30 US$
    • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

    Customers, that bought Leinöl mit pflanzlichen Omega Fettsäuren 3-6-9 - 1.000 mg pro Tagesdosis (1 Kapsel) - 120 Softgelkapseln - von Unimedica also bought

    lactose free

    Free from artificial colors

    Free from preservatives

    Without genetic technology


    Cold-pressed, native linseed oil¹ (Linum Usitatissimum), soft gel capsule made from beef gelatine, humectant made from vegetable glycerine, water

    ¹ from an EU country

    Note: The specified recommended consumption must not be exceeded. Food supplements are no substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.

    Dosage form

  • Capsules
  • Recommended consumption:

    Take 1 capsule daily with a meal with sufficient liquid.


    Store closed, dry, cool and protected from light.
    Keep out of reach of small children.
    Flaxseed oil1000 ***
    of which alpha-linolenic acid (Omega 3)500 ***
    of which linoleic acid (Omega 6)110 ***
    of which oleic acid (Omega 9)110 ***


    * (1 capsule)
    ** Percentage of the nutrient reference values according to Regulation VO (EU) 1169/2011 (LMIV)
    *** No nutrient reference values known.


    Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Germany

    customer reviews of Leinöl mit pflanzlichen Omega Fettsäuren 3-6-9 - 1.000 mg pro Tagesdosis (1 Kapsel) - 120 Softgelkapseln - von Unimedica
    With this forum we would like to offer our customers the chance to discuss our products. We explicitly point out that the forum only contains the private views and subjective individual assessments of the commenters. We do not approve the forum statements in any way. We publish them in the interest of freedom of expression. However, we distance ourselves from the contents of the forum and we are unwilling and unable to judge them as either true or false. If you feel a forum contribution is directed to you, you must seek the advice of a doctor or someone with a recognised specialist qualification in order to assess its truth or falsity. Our shop allows guests as well as verified customers to rate products or the shop. Verified ratings are indicated with “verified purchase”.

    Information about our rating function

    create review
    average customer rating:
    4,7 out of 5 Stars

    18 reviews (german), 1 review (english)

    Top comments

    Show newest comments first
    Roswitha Fleckenstein
    verified purchase
    3 years ago
    Super alternative to fish oil capsules
    As we like to avoid animal products, I came across these softgel capsules. Omega 3-6-9 improves blood flow, has a positive effect on cholesterol levels and prevents cardiovascular diseases. They strengthen our immune system and inhibit inflammatory processes in the body. An effective alternative to fish oil capsules. Highly recommended..... read more ...
    16 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Manuela Klauser

    2 years ago
    The capsules contain beef gelatine read more ...
    2 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Roswitha Fleckenstein
    verified purchase
    2 years ago
    I also use gelatine for a homemade collagen gel, and am also enthusiastic about Collagen Pure from Unimedica👍 read more ...
    6 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    3 years ago
    Large, but easy to swallow
    I was looking for a basic supply of omega fatty acids without fish oil. I've always loved the good linseed oil. I take the capsules with the other supplements such as D3, eagle's eye, OPC and MSM and that provides me with a good supply. I also like to eat linseed oil, but I often forget to take a spoonful. That's why I ordered the capsules. read more ...
    11 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
    Show original

    3 years ago
    Great product
    Linseed oil capsules are great against cholesterol. read more ...
    8 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Lutz Schinkoeth

    2 years ago
    Question 1 capsule is only 1g, you should take 2g for a good result, how long does it take for Triccylide to go down? Lg read more ...
    2 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Heike E.
    verified purchase
    11 months ago
    Very gut👍🏼
    A great alternative to fish oil capsules or algae capsules for me. I eat a vegetarian diet so fish is out for me. I also personally find the taste of algae unpleasant. So I decided in favour of this product and am completely satisfied and feel well supplied with omega fatty acids. read more ...
    4 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    2 weeks ago
    The capsules are not purely vegan, the gelatine is from beef. read more ...
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    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Isabella Prz
    verified purchase
    3 years ago
    Super product
    As I have been on a vegetarian diet for some time and was looking for an alternative for Omega 3 food supplements, I decided to try the linseed oil variant and I must say I am really impressed!

    The product is a great alternative and the capsules are a nice size. The packaging is also really nice.
    read more ...
    4 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Heiko Golenia
    verified purchase
    2 years ago
    But it's not entirely vegetarian...the capsule is made from beef gelatine read more ...
    4 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Fadila Boufar

    2 months ago
    Thank you
    For your reply, as I couldn't find the detail that makes all the difference
    read more ...
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    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    11 months ago
    Cholesterol-lowering drugs
    Linseed oil contains natural omega 3 + 6 fatty acids and helps keep my cholesterol in check and is known to minimise cardiovascular disease! I am very happy with it!!! Clear recommendation! read more ...
    2 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
    Show original
    verified purchase
    11 months ago
    Linseed oil capsules
    As I don't like the taste of the liquid oil, the capsules are ideal for me read more ...
    1 person finds this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
    Show original
    verified purchase
    1 year ago
    I take the linseed oil capsules for my cholesterol level and hope they have a positive effect. read more ...
    1 person finds this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
    Show original
    verified purchase
    4 weeks ago
    Great product
    I've been looking for linseed oil capsules for a while because I don't like fish or algae oil. They are always so irritating. I don't have that problem here and the price-performance ratio is also great. read more ...
    Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Jean-Marie DAHM
    verified purchase
    1 month ago
    Well tolerated and healthy
    very good product, absolutely fair price, well tolerated, you feel better read more ...
    Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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