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Narayana Verlag
- more than 10.000 products about homeopathy and natural healing
- Seminars with worldwide known homeopathic doctors
- Healthy and natural food
- Homeopathy for plants
Top Customer's Feedbacks
from 113214 Feedbacks
C.J. from Canada
not sure of timing for shipping-- fast shipping available?
Elise from USA
First time to your site. You have a book I really wanted - Burnett Rediscovered that I could not find anywhere else.
D.R. from USA
miss the old 'minimum books' author Q and A forums! but thanks for keeping the core stuff rolling. Perhaps consider carrying Matthew Woods "book of Herbal Wisdom" and his 3 volume earthwise series (including clinical plant repertory!) matt uses single remedies and homeopathy and has introduced as many new remedies to the herbal and homeopathic underground as anyone I know of. he is - for instance the only herbalist sourced by frans vermuelen (see his solidago entry in prisma, amongst others). I mention this not because I am jr co-author of the repertory (fair notice) but because Matt's work picks up where Boericke and clarke and Burnett pick up ( he is a reader and enthusiast of all three). Anyways, he fits right in with sonnenschmidt and joe r. in integrating organ and system remedies into a bigger natura sophia approach (david little is really his closest paralele in the homeopathic world in some ways). His books are on North Atlantic along with many essential homeopathic titles aNarayana Verlag

- more than 10.000 products about homeopathy and natural healing
- Seminars with worldwide known homeopathic doctors
- Healthy and natural food
- Homeopathy for plants

C.J. from Canada
not sure of timing for shipping-- fast shipping available?Nutrition
Eat for Health
Superheilmittel Vitamin C
Gesundheit im Denken, Fühlen und Handeln
Veganer Käse
Heal Your Heart - Eat Smart
Das nährstoffdichte Autoimmun-Kochbuch
Diabetes - Das Anti-Insulin-Prinzip
Essen was das Herz begehrt
Die Saft-Therapie
Neue Heilrezepte mit Rohsäften, Smoothies und Latte macchiati
Raus aus der Käsefalle
Essen gegen Arthrose
Schlank! und gesund mit der Doc Fleck Methode - Die Grundlagen
Alzheimer Ade!
Das 1x1 der Keto-Desserts
Das Vermächtnis unserer Nahrung
Mit der Heilkraft von über 700 zeitlosen Rezepten
Cool Beans
Vegan 100
GAPS - Gut and Psychology Syndrome
Natürliche Heilung von Autismus, AD(H)S, Dyspraxie, Legasthenie, Depression und Schizophrenie
Thrive Fitness: The Vegan-Based Training Program
Das Autoimmun-Paleo-Kochbuch
How Not To Die
Das Mikrobiom - Heilung für den Darm
Dr. Barnards revolutionäre Methode gegen Diabetes
Das große Buch der Sprossen und Keime
Vegan Power - Cuisinez sport
Diagnose Krebs
Magnolia Table - Teil 1
Der Hafer-Masterplan
Die Schilddrüsen-Formel
Autismus heilen Teil 1
Vegan Chocolate
Das HOW NOT TO DIE Kochbuch
Der Glukose-Trick
Ernährung, die uns schützt
Das Plantpower Kochbuch
Wohlfühlen und Abnehmen
Die Ernährungs-Zahnbürste
Mit einem Vorwort von Joel Fuhrman, Bestseller-Autor von Eat to Live.