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Organic Rosemary Oil Rosmarinus officinalis all-natural 30 ml from Unimedica

Organic Rosemary Oil  Rosmarinus officinalis  all-natural  30 ml  from Unimedica
Organic Rosemary Oil  Rosmarinus officinalis  all-natural  30 ml  from Unimedica
product no.: 31656
EAN: 4251662105107

Organic Rosemary Oil Rosmarinus officinalis all-natural 30 ml from Unimedica

To make cosmetics and body care products certified organic

Popular alternative:

20.10 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days
product no.: 31656
EAN: 4251662105107

1 bottle = 30 ml

All-natural essential rosemary oil – a tangy fresh natural scent

Natural Organic Rosemary Oil from Unimedica revives the senses with the characteristic tangy scent of rosemary. Its aromatic bouquet invites us to take a stroll in the warm summer wind through the raw beauty of its native region: the barren austere landscape of the Mediterranean. Rosemary’s will to live has overcome the challenges of this area, resulting in the embodied precious ingredients and powerful aroma of eucalyptus and camphor.

Organic Rosemary Oil from Unimedica captures the essence of this robust and ancient traditional herb and medicinal plant. Since antiquity the herb has been used both for its characteristics as seasoning and as a natural remedy for various uses in body care. The all-natural essential oil is extracted by gentle steam distillation from organically grown rosemary herb.

Lively scent for natural home-made cosmetics

The essential oil of rosemary from Unimedica can be used in many ways as an ingredient of homemade cosmetics. Problem skin tending to redness and blemishes can especially benefit from the natural power of rosemary. Rosemary oil should, however, be used sparingly to avoid skin irritation.

Rosemary oil is also a helpful companion to resolve internal and external tension. A massage with rosemary oil cloaks the body in cosy and invigorating warmth. For this a few drops of organic rosemary oil are added to a high-quality carrier oil such as almond or sesame in a dark bottle, then shaken vigorously.

Tip: A few drops of the oil in the water of an oil burner or an aroma stone fills the air with an invigorating herbal fragrance.

The holy herb of strength and loyalty

Rosemary twigs were used to decorate victorious gladiators and statues of the gods in ancient Rome. Nowadays this familiar plant with its robust branches and silvery dark-green needle-shaped leaves is to be found in almost every garden and is regarded as a valuable Mediterranean herb. Bridal bouquets are bound with its twigs as a sign of love and faithfulness. As incense the twigs are used to drive away evil spirits and negative energy in spiritual rites even nowadays.

Each bottle contains 30 ml organic rosemary oil.

Never use essential oils pure and undiluted. Make sure they are always dissolved in a carrier oil or water (oil burner) or something like a handkerchief or aroma stone.

The rosemary for Organic Rosemary Oil from Unimedica is grown to certified organic standards.


20.10 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days


Rosmarinus officialis leaf oil*, cineol**

* from controlled organic cultivation

** natural component of the oil

Dosage form

  • oil
  • Storage:

    Store closed, cool and protected from light. Keep out of the reach of children.


    For the production of cosmetics and body care products. Add 3-5 drops to 15 ml of carrier oil (e.g. jojoba oil) and massage the mixture carefully into the scalp. Leave on for 1-2 hours and then rinse thoroughly. Do not use undiluted. For external use only.


    Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Germany

    1 bottle = 30 ml

    All-natural essential rosemary oil – a tangy fresh natural scent

    Natural Organic Rosemary Oil from Unimedica revives the senses with the characteristic tangy scent of rosemary. Its aromatic bouquet invites us to take a stroll in the warm summer wind through the raw beauty of its native region: the barren austere landscape of the Mediterranean. Rosemary’s will to live has overcome the challenges of this area, resulting in the embodied precious ingredients and powerful aroma of eucalyptus and camphor.

    Organic Rosemary Oil from Unimedica captures the essence of this robust and ancient traditional herb and medicinal plant. Since antiquity the herb has been used both for its characteristics as seasoning and as a natural remedy for various uses in body care. The all-natural essential oil is extracted by gentle steam distillation from organically grown rosemary herb.

    Lively scent for natural home-made cosmetics

    The essential oil of rosemary from Unimedica can be used in many ways as an ingredient of homemade cosmetics. Problem skin tending to redness and blemishes can especially benefit from the natural power of rosemary. Rosemary oil should, however, be used sparingly to avoid skin irritation.

    Rosemary oil is also a helpful companion to resolve internal and external tension. A massage with rosemary oil cloaks the body in cosy and invigorating warmth. For this a few drops of organic rosemary oil are added to a high-quality carrier oil such as almond or sesame in a dark bottle, then shaken vigorously.

    Tip: A few drops of the oil in the water of an oil burner or an aroma stone fills the air with an invigorating herbal fragrance.

    The holy herb of strength and loyalty

    Rosemary twigs were used to decorate victorious gladiators and statues of the gods in ancient Rome. Nowadays this familiar plant with its robust branches and silvery dark-green needle-shaped leaves is to be found in almost every garden and is regarded as a valuable Mediterranean herb. Bridal bouquets are bound with its twigs as a sign of love and faithfulness. As incense the twigs are used to drive away evil spirits and negative energy in spiritual rites even nowadays.

    Each bottle contains 30 ml organic rosemary oil.

    Never use essential oils pure and undiluted. Make sure they are always dissolved in a carrier oil or water (oil burner) or something like a handkerchief or aroma stone.

    The rosemary for Organic Rosemary Oil from Unimedica is grown to certified organic standards.


    20.10 US$
    • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

    Frequently bought together
    Organic Rosemary Oil  Rosmarinus officinalis  all-natural  30 ml  from Unimedica+Organic castor oil - 200 ml - from Unimedica =
    Total price 40.70 US$
    buy all

    available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

    Customers, that bought Organic Rosemary Oil Rosmarinus officinalis all-natural 30 ml from Unimedica also bought


    Rosmarinus officialis leaf oil*, cineol**

    * from controlled organic cultivation

    ** natural component of the oil

    Dosage form

  • oil
  • Storage:

    Store closed, cool and protected from light. Keep out of the reach of children.


    For the production of cosmetics and body care products. Add 3-5 drops to 15 ml of carrier oil (e.g. jojoba oil) and massage the mixture carefully into the scalp. Leave on for 1-2 hours and then rinse thoroughly. Do not use undiluted. For external use only.


    Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Germany

    customer reviews of Organic Rosemary Oil Rosmarinus officinalis all-natural 30 ml from Unimedica
    With this forum we would like to offer our customers the chance to discuss our products. We explicitly point out that the forum only contains the private views and subjective individual assessments of the commenters. We do not approve the forum statements in any way. We publish them in the interest of freedom of expression. However, we distance ourselves from the contents of the forum and we are unwilling and unable to judge them as either true or false. If you feel a forum contribution is directed to you, you must seek the advice of a doctor or someone with a recognised specialist qualification in order to assess its truth or falsity. Our shop allows guests as well as verified customers to rate products or the shop. Verified ratings are indicated with “verified purchase”.

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    average customer rating:
    5 out of 5 Stars

    7 reviews (german)

    Top comments

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    Roris Marini

    9 months ago
    Viele Benefits
    In Verbindung mit einem neutralen Trägeröl kommt der Rosmarin wunderbar zur Geltung, es duftet mediterran und wirkt durchblutungsfördernd. Ich wende es sozusagen von Kopf bis Fuss an. Ideal als Ergänzung in Shampoos oder ich gebe es in eine Portion Arganöl, vermische es und massiere die Kopfhaut damit ein, ziehe es dann in die Längen und Spitzen der Haare. 1/2 Std. Einwirkzeit und wie gewohnt die Haare waschen. Bildet schöne umd glänzende Haare und die Kopfhaut wird stimuliert und genährt. Das Öl hat eine spürbar hohe Qualität! Ich liebe es ebenso in einem Fussbad. Dazu gebe ich Oliven-oder Mandelöl , Meersalz und ein paar Tropfen vom Rosmarinöl in ein Becken mit warmen Wasser. Abends ist das ein schönes Ritual, die Füsse werden schön durchblutet und entspannt. Ich brauche das Rosmarinöl auch für das Gesicht, indem ich es mit ein paar Tropfen in der Gesichtscréme ergänze, vorallem jetzt im Sommer wirkt es gegen Unreinheiten, die ich durch das Schwitzen leider oft produziere. Der Effekt ist zum Glück schnell sichtbar. Wenn ich zusätzlich Mittelmeer-Feeling haben will, einfach auf den Duftstein geben und auf den Nachttisch stellen!😊 read more ...
    19 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?

    6 months ago
    Wunderbares Rosmarinöl: das Tausendsassaöl
    Rosmarin ist eine der wichtigsten Heilpflanzen in unseren Breitengraden und wurde von der weltbekannten Herbalistin „Juliette of the Herbes“ für viele Zwecke angewendet.
    Sie sagte, es ist ihre wichtigste Heilpflanze und hatte in jedem ihrer Kräutergärten eine große Rosmarinpflanze.

    Rosmarin ist ein guter Wundheiler und kann für fast jede Krankheit verwendet werden.
    So liebe auch ich den Rosmarin und es ist selten ein wirklich hochwertiges Rosmarinöl zu finden. Dieses finde ich genial gut.

    Rosmarin wirkt durchblutungsfördernd. Ich wende es für den ganzen Körper an.
    Zum Beispiel auch zur Kräftigung der Haut und Haare (einfach zum Schampoo geben).

    Laut Dietrich Waber wirkt Rosmarin
    -neuromuskulär (Massage, Bäder)
    -Mukolytisch (Einreiben, inhalieren)
    -Cholagog (Auflagen auf die Leber)
    -Emmenagog (Wenn die Blutung der Frau ausbleibt, Einreibungen oder Bäder)
    -Kardiolytisch (Einreibung, Bäder) stärkt also das Herz und den ganzen Körper.
    Und wichtig für die heutige Zeit: Rosmarinöl ist tonisierend, z. B. bei Antriebslosigkeit wie es bei einer Depression vorkommt. Eine Duftlampe geht immer unauffällig Wasser und 3 Tropfen.

    -Es ist auch gut gegen Schuppen.
    -Es verbessert die Merkfähigkeit

    Für die Haare: ich gebe etwas Rizinusöl mit 2 Tropfen dieses kostbaren Rosmarinöls in die Haare und dann einfach einmassieren. Handtuch drüber und einwirken lassen.
    Dann ein schönes Buch lesen, 45 Minuten warten und gut auswaschen. Wirkt Wunder bei Haarausfall.
    read more ...
    5 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Barbara Prinz
    verified purchase
    3 months ago
    Hohe Wirksamkeit gegen Haarausfall
    Jeden Herbst beginnt bei mir der Haarausfall.
    Ich habe mich informiert was helfen kann, dabei bin ich auf Rosmarin gestossen.
    Das Bio- Rosmarinöl von Narayana hat eine intensive Wirkung, sobald ich die Tropfen auf der Kopfhaut verteile, merke ich, wie es anfãngt zu wirken, es wird kühl, kribbelt angenehm.
    Am nächsten Tag hab ich nur noch 10% von 100% Haarausfall.
    Linienmässig auf der Kopfhaut Tröpfchen verteilen.
    Du fångst am Kopf vorne an, bis hinter dem Kopf runter und gibst ca. jeden 3.Zentimerter, 2- 3 Tropfen ab.
    Danach alles mit den Fingerberen leicht einmassieren.
    Es entsteht ein wohliges Gefühl 😇
    Das Resultat ist genial👍
    read more ...
    4 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    verified purchase
    5 months ago
    Beste Hautpflege! Abends auf die Augenbrauen und dem Wimpernkranz und die Wimpern fallen nach 1 Woche überhaupt nicht mehr ab. read more ...
    1 person finds this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Maik H.

    2 weeks ago
    Hallo Suh. Schreibst du jetzt vom Rizinusöl, oder dem Rosmarin?? Weil hier ging es doch um das Rosmarinöl. read more ...
    Do you find this helpful?
    Ulrika Stoll
    verified purchase
    1 month ago
    Bio Rosmarin Öl
    erstklassige Qualität, feiner Duft -_ morgens auf die Stirn eingerieben, macht wacher und konzentrierter read more ...
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    Daniela iulia Bilteanu
    verified purchase
    2 months ago
    Ich liebe es!
    Im Moment verwende ich es als Zusatz in Rizinusöl und Kokosöl für Haare und Haut. Ich mag wirklich, was ich nach der Anwendung auf meiner Haut spüre, ich mag den Geruch read more ...
    Do you find this helpful?
    verified purchase
    4 months ago
    Beste Qualität
    Riecht das gut. Ich mag es so sehr. read more ...
    Do you find this helpful?

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