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Set: Zinc Bisglycinate Tablets - 25 mg per daily dose - high dose - 2 x 365 tablets - from Unimedica

Set: Zinc Bisglycinate Tablets - 25 mg per daily dose - high dose - 2 x 365 tablets - from Unimedica
Set: Zinc Bisglycinate Tablets - 25 mg per daily dose - high dose - 2 x 365 tablets - from UnimedicaSet: Zinc Bisglycinate Tablets - 25 mg per daily dose - high dose - 2 x 365 tablets - from UnimedicaSet: Zinc Bisglycinate Tablets - 25 mg per daily dose - high dose - 2 x 365 tablets - from Unimedica
product no.: 32866
EAN: 4251662107965

Set: Zinc Bisglycinate Tablets - 25 mg per daily dose - high dose - 2 x 365 tablets - from Unimedica

31.90 US$
28.80 US$
9,7% cheaper
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days
product no.: 32866
EAN: 4251662107965

365 tablets = 91 g

Zinc bisglycinate: so that the whole body works like clockwork

As an essential trace element, zinc is a real all-rounder that ensures our body feels good all round and functions optimally. Essential means that zinc must be taken in with food. The body cannot produce it itself.

As it is involved in many important processes in the body, such as a functioning immune system, various metabolic processes and fertility and reproduction, an adequate supply of zinc is extremely important. Zinc bisglycinate tablets from Unimedica can help with this.

Advantages of zinc bisglycinate for an optimal zinc supply

The premium raw material zinc bisglycinate, a zinc chelate complex, is used for the high-dose zinc bisglycinate tablets from Unimedica. Zinc is bound to amino acids. As a result, the zinc is absorbed significantly faster and better by the body. This means that zinc bisglycinate has a much higher bioavailability than comparable zinc supplements.

Zinc bisglycinate can be dosed significantly lower than the zinc in other commercially available zinc tablets, as it works more effectively due to the special chelated formulation.

What is zinc important for?

Zinc not only supports the immune system. Zinc ensures a normal acid-base metabolism and helps the body to process fats and carbohydrates. It protects our cells from oxidative stress and is good for our skin, hair, bones and nails. Zinc supports normal vitamin A metabolism and helps us to keep our vision clear. And these are just some of the functions of our body that need the trace element zinc to run smoothly.

Spectrum of action*
Zinc contributes to/to/for:

  • normal function of the immune system
  • normal acid-base metabolism
  • Protection of cells from oxidative stress
  • Maintenance of normal testosterone levels in the blood
  • normal fertility and normal reproduction
  • Maintenance of normal bones, hair, skin and nails
  • Maintenance of normal vision
  • normal carbohydrate and fat metabolism
  • normal vitamin A metabolism
  • normal cognitive function,
  • normal protein synthesis and DNA synthesis,
  • Zinc has a function in cell division

*Health claims authorized by the European Food Safety Authority.

Just 1 tablet for an adequate supply of zinc

Zinc bisglycinate tablets from Unimedica are also suitable for vegan or vegetarian diets to supplement the daily zinc intake and counteract an undersupply. One Unimedica zinc bisglycinate tablet per day is sufficient to cover 250% of the recommended daily intake of zinc for healthy adults. They contain no additives or allergens apart from cellulose (plant material that enables zinc bisglycinate to be presented as a tablet).

Unimedica's zinc bisglycinate tablets are manufactured directly in Germany in certified facilities.

Each pack of Unimedica zinc bisglycinate tablets contains 365 tablets that last for 1 year.

Zinc bisglycinate tablets from Unimedica are free from preservatives, free from additives such as flavourings, colourings, stabilizers, anti-caking agents such as magnesium stearate, free from genetic engineering, lactose-free, gluten-free, gelatine-free and vegan, in accordance with legal requirements.

31.90 US$
28.80 US$
9,7% cheaper
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

gluten free

lactose free

Free from artificial flavors

Free from artificial colors

Free from preservatives



Filler: microcirstalline cellulose, zinc bisglycinate

Manufactured in Germany
Raw material from a non-EU country

Note: Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced, varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the stated recommended daily intake.
Not suitable for children, adolescents and pregnant women.

Dosage form

  • tablets
  • Recommended consumption:

    Take 1 tablet a day with sufficient liquid.


    Store unopened, cool, dry and protected from light. Store out of reach of small children.
    Minerals and trace elementsper TagesdosisNRV**
    Zink25 mg250%


    *(1 tablet) **Percent of the nutrient reference values according to Regulation (EU) 1169/2011 (LMIV)


    Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Germany

    365 tablets = 91 g

    Zinc bisglycinate: so that the whole body works like clockwork

    As an essential trace element, zinc is a real all-rounder that ensures our body feels good all round and functions optimally. Essential means that zinc must be taken in with food. The body cannot produce it itself.

    As it is involved in many important processes in the body, such as a functioning immune system, various metabolic processes and fertility and reproduction, an adequate supply of zinc is extremely important. Zinc bisglycinate tablets from Unimedica can help with this.

    Advantages of zinc bisglycinate for an optimal zinc supply

    The premium raw material zinc bisglycinate, a zinc chelate complex, is used for the high-dose zinc bisglycinate tablets from Unimedica. Zinc is bound to amino acids. As a result, the zinc is absorbed significantly faster and better by the body. This means that zinc bisglycinate has a much higher bioavailability than comparable zinc supplements.

    Zinc bisglycinate can be dosed significantly lower than the zinc in other commercially available zinc tablets, as it works more effectively due to the special chelated formulation.

    What is zinc important for?

    Zinc not only supports the immune system. Zinc ensures a normal acid-base metabolism and helps the body to process fats and carbohydrates. It protects our cells from oxidative stress and is good for our skin, hair, bones and nails. Zinc supports normal vitamin A metabolism and helps us to keep our vision clear. And these are just some of the functions of our body that need the trace element zinc to run smoothly.

    Spectrum of action*
    Zinc contributes to/to/for:

    • normal function of the immune system
    • normal acid-base metabolism
    • Protection of cells from oxidative stress
    • Maintenance of normal testosterone levels in the blood
    • normal fertility and normal reproduction
    • Maintenance of normal bones, hair, skin and nails
    • Maintenance of normal vision
    • normal carbohydrate and fat metabolism
    • normal vitamin A metabolism
    • normal cognitive function,
    • normal protein synthesis and DNA synthesis,
    • Zinc has a function in cell division

    *Health claims authorized by the European Food Safety Authority.

    Just 1 tablet for an adequate supply of zinc

    Zinc bisglycinate tablets from Unimedica are also suitable for vegan or vegetarian diets to supplement the daily zinc intake and counteract an undersupply. One Unimedica zinc bisglycinate tablet per day is sufficient to cover 250% of the recommended daily intake of zinc for healthy adults. They contain no additives or allergens apart from cellulose (plant material that enables zinc bisglycinate to be presented as a tablet).

    Unimedica's zinc bisglycinate tablets are manufactured directly in Germany in certified facilities.

    Each pack of Unimedica zinc bisglycinate tablets contains 365 tablets that last for 1 year.

    Zinc bisglycinate tablets from Unimedica are free from preservatives, free from additives such as flavourings, colourings, stabilizers, anti-caking agents such as magnesium stearate, free from genetic engineering, lactose-free, gluten-free, gelatine-free and vegan, in accordance with legal requirements.

    Add to Basket
    31.90 US$
    28.80 US$
    9,7% cheaper
    • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

    gluten free

    lactose free

    Free from artificial flavors

    Free from artificial colors

    Free from preservatives



    Filler: microcirstalline cellulose, zinc bisglycinate

    Manufactured in Germany
    Raw material from a non-EU country

    Note: Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced, varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the stated recommended daily intake.
    Not suitable for children, adolescents and pregnant women.

    Dosage form

  • tablets
  • Recommended consumption:

    Take 1 tablet a day with sufficient liquid.


    Store unopened, cool, dry and protected from light. Store out of reach of small children.
    Minerals and trace elementsper TagesdosisNRV**
    Zink25 mg250%


    *(1 tablet) **Percent of the nutrient reference values according to Regulation (EU) 1169/2011 (LMIV)


    Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Germany

    customer reviews of Set: Zinc Bisglycinate Tablets - 25 mg per daily dose - high dose - 2 x 365 tablets - from Unimedica
    With this forum we would like to offer our customers the chance to discuss our products. We explicitly point out that the forum only contains the private views and subjective individual assessments of the commenters. We do not approve the forum statements in any way. We publish them in the interest of freedom of expression. However, we distance ourselves from the contents of the forum and we are unwilling and unable to judge them as either true or false. If you feel a forum contribution is directed to you, you must seek the advice of a doctor or someone with a recognised specialist qualification in order to assess its truth or falsity. Our shop allows guests as well as verified customers to rate products or the shop. Verified ratings are indicated with “verified purchase”.

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    average customer rating:
    4,8 out of 5 Stars

    208 reviews (german), 3 reviews (english), 34 reviews (french)

    Top comments

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    Anna Maria
    verified purchase
    4 years ago
    Excellent pour les cheveux
    Depuis environ 4 mois, je prends tous les soirs 1 comprimé de bisglycinate de zinc, soit après le dîner, soit avant d'aller me coucher. Le zinc est connu pour fatiguer et je profite de cet effet pour bien dormir. Je trouve cette dose élevée de 25 mg par jour merveilleuse, car le corps est constamment privé de zinc par les ordinateurs, les téléphones portables, les radiations, etc. le zinc est retiré. Il s'est également avéré très efficace pour les défenses immunitaires. Ce que je voudrais souligner, c'est que depuis, mes cheveux poussent beaucoup mieux et plus vite et qu'ils sont aussi plus résistants. De plus, le rapport qualité-prix est excellent et il est rare de trouver des comprimés de 25 mg ! Un paquet me suffit pour un an et je suis parfaitement couverte ! read more ...
    85 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    5 years ago
    Marche super contre les aphtes
    Je souffre d'ulcères buccaux récurrents, appelés aphtes, depuis plusieurs années. Je prends le supplément de zinc depuis 2 mois maintenant et je n'ai plus d'aphtes. Je ne peux que le recommander. Il est bon également pour d'autres choses comme le système immunitaire, la perte de cheveux, les troubles cognitifs et les troubles de la fertilité. read more ...
    64 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    verified purchase
    4 years ago
    Un grand produit
    Nous prenons ces petits comprimés depuis environ six mois et nous sommes totalement enthousiastes. Je souffre de poussées d'acné inverses et je les contrôle maintenant très bien grâce à la prise régulière de zinc combiné à l'or colloïdal. En plus, c'est difficile à croire, mais mon mari a de nouveau de fins poils qui poussent là où ils s'étaient déjà bien clairsemés et nous n'avons pas eu de rhume ou autre cet hiver. 👍 read more ...
    63 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    3 years ago
    Merci beaucoup pour l'information. Quel or colloïdal avez-vous commandé ? LG read more ...
    8 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Cornelia Berndt
    verified purchase
    3 years ago
    Bonjour Silvia, j'avais 30ppm d'or colloïdal de Narayana, mais malheureusement il n'y en a plus ici, c'est dommage!!!lG read more ...
    9 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    5 years ago
    Cet hiver, j'ai pris une capsule de zinc et une capsule de sélénium d' Unimedica chaque jour et jusqu'à présent je n'ai jamais eu de rhume. Une bonne combinaison donc pour renforcer le système immunitaire. J'ai plus d'énergie depuis que je prends également des gélules Q10. Je suis enthousiasmé par les compléments alimentaires Unimedica car ils ne contiennent que des substances pures sans additif indésirable. Et tout cela à un prix raisonnable! read more ...
    41 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    verified purchase
    2 years ago
    Système immunitaire
    C'est un super produit. Je prends un comprimé par jour et jusqu'à quatre comprimés si je tombe malade. Cela m'aide à me rétablir plus rapidement. Si je me gratte la gorge et que je prends 4 comprimés, le lendemain, je ne suis plus malade. Je dois dire qu'en plus du zinc, je prends aussi du sélénium et des vitamines D/C/B. Je n'ai pas de problème de santé. read more ...
    31 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    2 years ago
    très satisfaits : La chute des cheveux s'améliore en association avec la quercétine
    Je perds beaucoup mes cheveux depuis trois ans et j'ai essayé différentes choses, sans succès jusqu'à présent.
    Mais depuis que je prends de la quercétine en association avec du zinc et un autre complément alimentaire multivitaminé, ma chute de cheveux s'est considérablement améliorée. Je suis très satisfaite !
    read more ...
    29 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Stefanie M.

    4 years ago
    Comprimés de zinc
    Enfin fortement dosé à 25mg, très bien toléré et rapport qualité/prix très accommodant. Nous en prenons tous les jours et sommes nettement plus robustes qu'avant.
    Après environ six semaines de prise de zinc, mes cheveux sont devenus beaucoup plus épais, mes ongles ont poussé plus fort et ma peau sèche s'est améliorée.
    read more ...
    27 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    R.W. Elke
    verified purchase
    4 years ago
    Très bon produit...
    Zinc Bisglycinate-25 mg à haute dose-365 comprimés-de Unimemedica
    Je prends ce produit depuis environ 6 mois. Après peu de temps, des effets positifs sur le métabolisme et les ongles sont apparus.
    En général, le zinc est pour le corps un élément constitutif important de nombreuses enzymes et participe ainsi à de nombreux processus biologiques dans le corps, par exemple : Croissance cellulaire : le zinc est important pour la division cellulaire. Le zinc minéral a de multiples fonctions clés : Il est important pour notre peau, nos cheveux et nos ongles.
    Une carence en zinc se manifeste souvent par des cheveux et des ongles cassants ainsi que par une peau sèche. Le zinc soutient le métabolisme, le système immunitaire et aide à lutter contre le diabète sucré et les allergies.
    read more ...
    21 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    4 years ago
    seulement la meilleure expérience
    Ces comprimés sont géniaux !
    Ma forte faiblesse immunitaire s'est améliorée. En période de crise, lorsque le nez me chatouille et que j'ai davantage froid, je prends également 3 comprimés au cours de la journée, ce qui me permet d'éviter l'infection.
    read more ...
    20 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Kaul Andrea Mercurio
    verified purchase
    5 years ago
    Bon dosage de 25 mg, pratique
    Les comprimés de zinc sont dosés de façon très pratique, en 25 mg juste une fois par jour. L'aspect des commissures des lèvres s'est clairement amélioré chez notre fils, l'éruption cutanée s'est calmée très visiblement -avec une prise l'après-midi, mélangée avec de l'avoine et des griottes. À recommander absolument! read more ...
    19 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?

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