of strangeness, boredom, nerves on edge, change, and pain
as real sensations. The common factor of these families is the
experience of the unbearableness of certain nervous states
of irritation.
If we place the evolution of plants as a template over the
pattern of human development, we are concerned here with
the first phase of contact with physical sensations. With the
Magnoliaceae, the newborn baby enters a foreign and unfa-
miliar world; with the Piperaceae, the baby is confronted with
the alternation of external excitation and its own lack; with
the Ranunculaceae, the overwhelming power of emotional
excitation; with the Berberidaceae, the constant changes
in the outside world; with the Papaveraceae, the terrible
threat of physical pain. The opposite reaction in all these
families is withdrawal and numbness (search for / addiction
to reunification and fusion with oneness / wholeness). This
corresponds to the encapsulation of all intensity in the tiny
peppercorn mentioned above. The ego, which in puberty has
the task of going out into the world, takes fright at this and
instead withdraws to an early childhood state of waiting for
outside stimulation.
Whereas the Piperaceae are too far inside, the Lamiaceae are
too far outside. An already fully differentiated ego (sixth column
in Yakir's table) shows itself to be incapable of the task of
protecting its borders and completely falls for the external
stimuli. Following Oscar Wilde's famous saying “The only
way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it,” the Lamiaceae
patients get lost in the outside world. Since they are highly
differentiated and with a strong ego, they thereby attain great
creativity and productivity. Their addiction is – unlike the early
developmental stages – directed not to withdrawal into a uter-
ine state but to achieving ever more, the ever bigger kick. This,
however, overloads the body, feelings, and human relation-
ships, leading to illness. Much here resembles what we know
from the Minerals as the illness pattern of Phosphorus, an
element that is important as an aromatic compound in the
essential oils of the Lamiaceae. Just as with Phosphorus, the
task of this stage of the Lamiaceae is to retain their individuality
despite an intense and creative exchange with the outside
world. This is shown at the physical level in the integrity of the
mucous membranes and personally in terms of steadfastness
in the face of the fascinating charms and sensual temptations
of the world.
Final comments:
the contrast of the two plant families in view
of their evolutionary position may not help us directly with our
homeopathic prescriptions but it deepens our understanding of
the vital sensations of the individual families, bringing order to
the confusing Plant kingdom. With the necessary experience –
after we have identified for many patients where their complaints
lie along the spectrum of plant development – we can start to
develop an awareness of what is typical in the manifestation
of remedies in the subclasses and families. A synthesis of the
Sensation method and Michal Yakir's evolutionary table brings
us a great deal further along this path.
Bresinsky, Andreas, Körner, Christian, et al.:
Strasburger's Plant
Sciences: Including Prokaryotes and Fungi
, Springer Verlag,
Documenta Homoeopathica
, Hrsg. ÖGHM, Franz Swoboda,
Band 26, 2006. S.143-252 über Lamiaceae.
Documenta Homoeopathica
, Hrsg. ÖGHM, Franz Swoboda,
Band 27, 2008. S.125-138 über Piperaceen.
Pelikan, Wilhelm:
Healing Plants: Insights Through Spiritual
, vol II, Mercury Press, 2012
Sankaran, Rajan:
An Insight into Plants
, Mumbai 2002-07,
Vital Quest, software
Wichmann, Jörg:
Yakir, Michal:
Wondrous Order, The Table of Plants
, Narayana
Publishers, Kandern, 2015
Yakir, Michal:
Table of Plants + booklet
, 4
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Publishers, Kandern, 2014
lives with his family in the countryside
near Cologne, Germany, where he runs
his homeopathic practice, writes, holds
seminars, and teaches at the Bergisch
school of homeopathy.
Author of various works of homeo-
pathy and founder of the internet data-
base for homeopathic systematics, naming, remedy provings,
www.provings.info ; jw@provings.infoANGELIKA BOLTE
has been running a homeopathic practice since the early
1990s after completing her pediatric training and working
in the university clinic in Essen, Germany. She teaches at the
Bergisch school of homeopathy. For the last ten years, her
focus has been the Sensation method.