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Narayana Verlag
- more than 10.000 products about homeopathy and natural healing
- Seminars with worldwide known homeopathic doctors
- Healthy and natural food
- Homeopathy for plants
Top Customer's Feedbacks
from 110820 FeedbacksLucinda from Germany
I am very satisfied with the products from Narayana Verlag. Customer service is always top, very nice!D.R. from USA
miss the old 'minimum books' author Q and A forums! but thanks for keeping the core stuff rolling. Perhaps consider carrying Matthew Woods "book of Herbal Wisdom" and his 3 volume earthwise series (including clinical plant repertory!) matt uses single remedies and homeopathy and has introduced as many new remedies to the herbal and homeopathic underground as anyone I know of. he is - for instance the only herbalist sourced by frans vermuelen (see his solidago entry in prisma, amongst others). I mention this not because I am jr co-author of the repertory (fair notice) but because Matt's work picks up where Boericke and clarke and Burnett pick up ( he is a reader and enthusiast of all three). Anyways, he fits right in with sonnenschmidt and joe r. in integrating organ and system remedies into a bigger natura sophia approach (david little is really his closest paralele in the homeopathic world in some ways). His books are on North Atlantic along with many essential homeopathic titles aLadislav from Germany
Nach Erhaltung meiner 1. Bestellung werde ich gerne meine Bewertung abgeben. Viele Grüße und frohe Weihnachten.Narayana Verlag
- more than 10.000 products about homeopathy and natural healing
- Seminars with worldwide known homeopathic doctors
- Healthy and natural food
- Homeopathy for plants
Lucinda from Germany
I am very satisfied with the products from Narayana Verlag. Customer service is always top, very nice!Naturopathy
MMS-Gold Das neue Lebensmineral
Praxisbuch Neue Homöopathie
Gicht natürlich behandeln
Bewegungsapparat Hund
Wesen und Signatur der Heilpflanzen
Im Reich der hungrigen Geister
Der Schlüssel zu Ihrer Energie
Der Human Design Gesundheitskompass
Die Schilddrüsen-Formel
Heilige Inspiration - Die wichtigsten Texte der großen Mystikerin und Kirchenlehrerin
Reinigen und entgiften mit ätherischen Ölen
Krebs natürlich behandeln
Heilende Gewürze
Systematik der Homöo-Kinesiologie
Ganzheitliche Heilung mit Cannabis
Histamin-Intoleranz heilen
Erst mal tief durchatmen
Kraftrituale in der Natur
Biologische Medizin - Die Zukunft des natürlichen Heilens
Heilung von Bauchspeicheldrüse, Leber und Milz
Candidalismus - Getarnte Systeme erkannt, Gefahr gebannt
Erwache zum Leben!
Mykotherapie für Tiere
Russisches Heilwissen
Der Histamin-Irrtum
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Die Kräuter in meinem Garten
Die Mistel in der Tumortherapie 3
Die 10 besten Nahrungsergänzungsmittel
Die Behandlung mit Cannabis
Pflanzen Power Drinks
Salbei - Mutter aller Heilpflanzen
Brennnessel. Kompakt-Ratgeber
Das einfachste Basenfasten-Buch aller Zeiten
Krebs - Das Problem und die Lösung
Le pouvoir thérapeutique des jus
Recettes de jus frais, smoothies et mousses de lait